"I just lost Daniel"

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I went into work the next day and saw Joe, everything was awesome until my phone kept buzzing and i couldn't answer because of work. I told Joe someone leave me alone.

"I can hear your phone buzzing non stop and I'm right at the other end of the shop" Joe laughs.

"Sorry. I don't know who it is." I said.

"Maybe it's Beau" he winks at me and laughs.

"That's not funny."

"Just got for your break and answer them" he says.

I run upstairs and look at my phone 158 missed calls from Daniel and 26 from Beau. Fuck. What did I do?

Daniel phoned again and I answered.

"Hi..." I said

"Karissa. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. I just didn't want anyone to find out like that. Please forgive me. I don't hate you. I know you were hurt when Beau said that to you and you had every right to be angry and say horrid stuff back but not using me as the hate words. Lucy and I broke up obviously. I meant what I said. I do love you." He said.

I sighed and then Joe came up behind me. "Who's on the phone?" Joe said.

"Daniel" I whispered.

"Hi Daniel im a huge fan!" Joe laughs.

I pushed Joe back. "Listen Daniel. I understand and I'm sorry I said that. It was stupid and I didn't mean for it to happen, but I don't know what you hope to achieve from this call." I said sighing.

"I don't know either. Just come back." He asked.

"I'm happy here now. I'm getting friends. I have a job. Im happy again. If I came back everything would be in the shit again. Beau hates me and no one has respect for me anymore. What we did was a mistake and I was just hurt seeing Beau kissing that girl. I'm sorry that happened." I said to Daniel.

"Right" daniel said and the phone went dead. He must of hang up.

"Way to let a guy down gently." Joe laughs.

I push his shoulder back and laugh. Suddenly phone rings again. It was Beau this time. I tell Joe to shush.


"Karissa look I messed up and so did you. I just want everything to be ok. I want to be friends. Please" he says.

"So your shagging Chelsey" I add.

He sighs. "Don't be immature. I like her. I told you. Just don't play Daniel then it will all be ok. Got it." He says.

"I don't want Daniel what is wrong with you? We just broke up after 2 years and you couldn't give to fucking shits Beau!" I said hanging up.

"I HATE GUYS !" I shouted at Joe.

He just laughed.


That night Joe and I went to the cinema. To be honest I didn't know how I felt anymore. I knew I loved Beau and I always will, but I'm so confused. Part of me wants Beau back, but the other part of me says to take a chance with Daniel and another small part of me says to start a new fresh and, forget about the janoskians completely, but I knew I couldn't do that.

We sat down together and watch the movie. Half way through the movie stopped playing and the security guards were shouting. No one could see anything because it was pitched black. I stood up to get a better look but I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly the door flew open and the Joe stood up next to me trying to see who opened the doors.

"KARISSA!" He was shouting over and over again searching for me.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now