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I decide that going to the doctors in Australia was a bad idea. I'd rather go when we're back in Los Angeles. My stomach is getting bigger and bigger everyday and it's making me nervous. Beau keeps telling me I look beautiful still and nothing has changed. My breasts have become larger but that's a good thing for Beau, they have also become very tender, so that's a bad one for Beau. I get stomach pains and I get tired easily. I find myself sleeping a lot and eating a lot. I don't think we can keep it a secret any longer, but the sooner the baby goes the better because Luke and Daniel have thought that I'm getting bigger but didn't want to say anything.

It's a Thursday afternoon and Luke wants to go shopping to get Kiana a birthday present (fuck that) Beau says he doesn't want to go because he wants to stay with his nonna and nonno.

Luke and I head to the shopping centre (which I've never been too) it's a warm day and wearing another long dress to cover my stomach. We go into the jewellery store because Luke lost his lip piercing (again)

We go upstairs and sit down waiting for the intimidating tattoo piercing scary woman and she smells like seaweed. I'm looking down at my phone, when the door opens and Luke looks up thinking it's the scary woman, but his eyes are suddenly dazzled. I look up and over to him and see his mouth wide open and staring froward. As I glance at what he is looking at, he stands up.

"Hey. Maria right?" He questions himself.

She stands there all shy. "Y..y.eah." She stammers. "You're Luke? We used to go to school together right?" She adds.

I stay seated and try to avoid getting in the way of them two speaking.

"Wow it feels like ages since we've spoke." Luke awkwardly chuckles.

"Yeah. I remember you used to have a HUGE crush on me when we were like 13" she laughs.

"Yea." He says quietly, blushing.

As its me, I need to make it an entrance. I cough loudly and nudge Luke in the rips. "Invite her to have dinner back at the house." I say.

Luke looks at me and his eyes widen, making me remember his whore of a girlfriend Kiana. Oops. He then looks back at her and bites his lip sexually (as far as I know it was sexual)

We get back to the house and of course Maria has come with her and Luke has his piercing. I'd rather her then Kiana anyday. Beau looks at me as soon as we enter the house and he knows IVE done something evil (he knows me so well) all I did was make Luke ask this girl on a date even when he has a girlfriend.

We all sit down for dinner and everyone's laughing joking. Luke and Maria and talking and reminiscing about the old times.

"What are you doing?" beau says whispering to me from beside me.

"What me? I do no such thing." I say trying to hold in a giggle.

"Karissa. Don't do anything stupid. Kiana and Luke are happy together don't act like a crazy fan." He laughs.

"Babe trust me." I say and place my hand on his under the table to reassure him.

After a few hours we all sit down on the couch and Maria is still here. Beau is still trying to figure what I'm up to. We are watching 'Skins' Beau's favourite programme, when I see Maria and Luke get up and head to the hallway. I quickly get up and Beau grabs my arm.

"Babe, why can't you stop yourself from being so nosy" he says.

"I can't help it." I laugh and yank my arm away and follow after them. Of course I hide behind the door when I see them go into the bedroom. They sit down on the bed and smile at one another.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now