Chapter Thirty: Aftermath

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The days following Long Feng's departure from this world seemed to fly by like a spastic blur. Shortly after Long Feng decided to sacrifice himself, his armies retreated due to the sight of Aang's arrows growing a bright, glowing white. As they sprinted away in fear, the Avatar followed them like a hunter spying on its prey, but luckily for the conglomerate of benders, Katara leaped onto Aang's back and halted him from moving any further. Since then, Aang had gone around the temple silently, cleaning up any debris that trashed his once beautiful home. As the days progressed, Aang continued to distance himself from his friends, only coming near them if Appa or Momo was needing to be fed, otherwise, he would venture into the temple, seemingly vanishing within its walls.

"Hey Katara, can I talk to you for a second?" Katara turned around slowly and smiled gently as Sokka hobbled over from his seated location next to Suki.

"Of course, Sokka. What's up?" As he approached, Katara's soft facial expression grew both curious and questioning as Sokka's grim look raised all red flags within her head. Katara instantly began to notice Sokka's nervous stature, causing Katara to raise an eyebrow towards him. This can't be good.

"Um, have you been able to talk to Aang at all? I know that what happened a couple of days ago really rattled him and I was just wanting to make sure that he was doing okay." Immediately, Katara scoffed towards him and crossed her arms aggressively as she peered towards Sokka in disgust.

"Why don't you talk to him!? He's your friend too you know! Just because I'm dating him doesn't mean that I know how he is or what he's thinking! If anything, it's been the complete opposite recently." Awkwardly, Sokka shuffled his feet backward with his palms out towards Katara in a surrendering stance.

"I didn't mean it like that, Katara. I was just hoping that he would still at least open up to you about his problems. You were the only one that could ever get through to him whenever something went wrong in his life."
    "And that means that I'm the only one that can ask about his problems?" Suddenly, Sokka began to become more and more frustrated as Katara talked down to him. Finally, after being talked down for a bit further, Sokka had enough.

"Katara, I don't trust him!" Instantly, Katara gasped in pure shock before angrily marching up to him and getting in his face.

"Are we really doing this again?! Time after time, he has laid his life on the line for you, me, your girlfriend, and every other ally we've ever had throughout our adventures together! You have no right to even question him!"

"I do though, Katara! You saw first hand how dangerous he is! He's not in control of his actions anymore! Did you see the look on his face when his arrows turned black! Black! Aren't they usually supposed to be white whenever he enters the Avatar State?! He's dangerous Katara, I know about the roar the previous night! You weren't able to contain him, were you!?"

"Enough, Sokka! This conversation is over!"

"I'm right, aren't I? Did he hurt you?!"

"No! And even if he did, do you really think you'd be able to handle him, Sokka? He would pulverize you before you'd even be able to grab hold of your sword! Face it Sokka, you're outmatched when it comes to him!" Slowly, Sokka began to nod towards her before silently walking back and grabbing hold of his sword.

"And what exactly do you plan on doing with that," Katara questioned, her tone frantic and angry.

"I just want to talk to him."

"Sokka," Katara yelled, attempting to grab hold of Sokka's sword. As the two continued to struggle against one another, Toph wedged herself between the two and shoved them both back with her earthbending. Gracefully, the sword fell from Sokka and Katara's hands and into Toph's waiting arms.

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