Chapter Six: Uncontrollable

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 Ever since Aang's violent attack against the combustionbenders, Suki remained distant from the Airbender. The moment that his black glow faded he returned to his old self, physically damaged and naive. The moment that he returned to reality he grabbed the sides of his temples, screaming in agony at the sight of what his actions had done.

"What is happening to me? What have I done?" His voice came out frantic and desperate as he rocked silently in his position. Usually, at this point, Katara would be by his side, talking him down from his emotional rollercoaster, but Suki couldn't offer that comfort. Quite honestly, she didn't know if it was safe to even try. She had never seen such rage come out of anyone, let alone someone as innocent as Aang. He was the epitome of innocence, constantly smiling that bubbly smile and bringing joy to everyone that surrounded him. But the boy in front of her wasn't that, she couldn't even decide if what in front of her was even a shell of that. She looked at him as if he was someone entirely different. His actions and emotions depicted him as a caged animal, waiting and begging to be set free once more.

"Aang, we have to go. I'm sure all the explosions were heard all the way from the capital. By now, I'm sure Azula knows we are here, and she'll be looking for us. If we have any chance to find Zuko before Azula does, then we need to act now!" Despite this, Aang remained still, teetering back and forth as the dark clouds within his mind began to multiply. Reluctantly, Suki hauled Aang to his feet, pulling him over her shoulder as she trudged forward towards the capital.

"Come on, if you aren't going to get it together, then I'm going to haul you there, kicking and screaming!" Suki continued to struggle her way up the nearby mountain while Aang continued to piggyback off Suki's strength. You know, for a kid that fasts every morning, you'd think he'd weigh less.

"Suki, what is happening to me?" His voice seemed desperate and weak as it barely pierced her eardrums. How she wished she knew the answer to that question. A sense of desperation hit her as she continued her steep climb up the mountain. Judging on the current state of them, she assumed that it wouldn't be long until Azula's goons would be able to catch them. Even though the prior events had happened hours earlier, they were only a few miles away from the horrifying incident. However, Suki was determined to get Aang out of danger, no matter what. It was her duty to keep the Avatar safe, she had accepted this mission for that reason alone. Before long, the two stumbled upon a rundown shack upon one of the cliffs that the mountain they were climbing possessed. Running out of options, Suki marched forward towards the rundown shack. Upon approaching it, Suki kicked down the rickety door and laid Aang down against the wall. Since they had started to climb the treacherous mountain, Aang's breathing had begun to become increasingly heavy, despite the fact that he hadn't exerted himself in any way as they made their way up the mountain. As she watched him, she slumped herself into a nearby chair, attempting to gather her thoughts as she rested.
"You two shouldn't have come here." Suki instantly shot her head up in horror as she looked towards the general direction of the voice that called out to her. Although the shadows hid most of his face, she could make out a man with white hair and two separate scars across his right eye within the darkness.

"W-who are you?" Weakly, Aang rose his head to gauge the mysterious man in front of them.

"A friend," he muttered weakly as his head slumped back down to its original state.

"I can see that the Avatar has suffered great pain recently. His body looks hardly like the one I met almost a year ago." As he spoke, the mysterious man walked into the light that shined within the nearby window of the shack. As he did so, Suki gasped with a smile across her face.

"Jeong Jeong, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Contradicting to his usual stoic demeanor, Jeong Jeong smiled towards the warrior as he sat down in front of them. However, this smile didn't last as he returned his gaze towards the weak Avatar. His chest continued to rise and fall rapidly as he inhaled and exhaled through his mouth.

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