Chapter Fourteen: Heart to Heart

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"Katara," Aang whispered, shutting the door quietly behind him. Even though the creaking of the door seemed to drown out Aang's call, it hadn't drowned out the audible whimpers coming from within the dark room. Drooping his shoulders, Aang sighed to himself before making his way, off instinct, towards the bed. Sitting down gently, he extended his hand and laid it gently on Katara's back, or what he figured was Katara's back, speaking that it was incredibly dark within the room. With his opposite hand, Aang flickered fire from his fingertips, lighting up the room.

"Katara," Aang whispered again, rubbing his hand gently on her back as she laid still, her face in the pillow.

"What," Katara yelled into the pillow, her body slightly shaking. Calmly, Aang used his light to activate a nearby oil lamp before lying down gently next to her, his face both nervous and loving. He didn't know how she would take the news, and despite the issue of not remembering her in her entirety, he still couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Even with the small amount of time he had begun to know her, he had already fallen in love all over again. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but she always had some sort of spell over him. Whatever she asked he would do without question, whatever she needed he would get without argument, he loved her and would continue to do so for years to come.

"Katara, please, will you at least look at me?"

"Why does it matter if I look at you," she muttered into the pillow.

"You lied to me. You said that there was nothing wrong, why am I constantly kept in the dark whenever you're dealing with something? Every single time! There are moments where you confide in me and I'm honored that you do so, but then there are moments where you just bottle everything or someone finds out, and then it's your little secret! Why?! Why does the Avatar, protector of the world, find it so hard to confide in their own girlfriend!? Or do you even remember us dating?" Aang grimaced and swayed his head to one side, blocking his face from her view. The last question that she asked seemed to sting more than anything else. It was true, he didn't remember much of their relationship, but that didn't mean that he didn't love her. That didn't mean that he wanted to forget, it just... happened.

"Aang! Answer the question! Do you remember us dating? Do you remember any of the moments that you and I shared before and after that day on Iroh's balcony?" Iroh's balcony? What happened on Iroh's balcony?


"Aang!" Flinching, Aang ducked his head once more in defeat. This conversation was going nowhere and only aggravating her more.

"Katara, what can I do? What do you want me to do?" Aang took Katara's hands in his own and rubbed the back of her hands unconsciously with his thumbs. Sighing, Katara placed her head into the crook of his shoulder, whimpering once his hands left her own to wrap around her back.

"Aang, I-... I don't know if I can do this." Gritting his teeth to hold back his emotions, he gripped her tighter, bringing her body closer to his own.

"Katara, I don't know what I can do. I-"

"And you think I know what you should do? Aang, I love you so much, but it pains me to think that you don't remember a single moment. Not a single memory of you and I remain inside of you. For spirits' sake Aang, at this point they might as well be imaginary! I might as well have imagined all of them because I'm the only one that knows most of them!"

"Katara, they aren't gone forever! They've just gone missing for the time being! Iroh's idea for-."
"I don't care about Iroh's idea! Do you really think that some magical water will bring your memory back?!"

"It brought my life back didn't it!" Shock covering her face, Katara rose from the bed and began to walk towards the door, anger filling her mind.

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