*REQUEST* Newt (6)

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A/N: this story takes place pre (and post)... incident (in the Glade) and there are some spoilers for the death cure/fever code. if you don't know how Newt got his limp, don't read. this was super hard for me to write but scarletwolff2 requested it so ya

TW: cutting and a su!c!de attempt

Third person-ish POV

On a cold day in the Glade, you find Newt. 

"Newt, can I p-please borrow your h-hoodie?" You rush over to your boyfriend and ask. "I'm c-cold." 

"Of course, love. Actually, you can have it." Newt nods his consent and wraps his arms and then the hoodie around you. You smile in his warm embrace. Newt always makes you feel welcome and safe. For the past few months, you noticed that he'd been doing even more around the Glade than usual. Not that he minded, of course. He'd do anything for Alby and Minho. But he had also been looking worse than usual. 

"Newt, are you okay?" You look into his chocolate brown eyes to find no clues. 

"Yeah, I'm okay..." Newt trails off his sentence. 

"Come with me," You pull Newt to his room. You two need to have a talk in private. 

Once you get to Newt's room, you sit down on a chair next to to his bed. Newt remains standing until you usher him over to the bed. 

"Newt, I noticed that you've been doing so much more around the Glade and you seem stressed. You also seem sad." You take your boyfriend's cold hand. "I'm gonna ask you one more time... are you okay?" Newt persists in his answer, nodding his head. 

You sigh. "Newt, I didn't want to try this." As you pull his cloth bracelet off, he winces and you see red marks on his skin. You had told yourself prior to coming into this that you wouldn't start crying when you saw it, but when he looks at you, you burst into tears and switch positions to sit next to Newt. 

"Why?" You sob. "Newt, I'm sorry if I- if I couldn't s-stop this," He pulls you into another embrace, stroking your hair as he does so. The gesture is comforting and it makes you stop wailing. Suddenly, Minho opens the door. 

"Are you guys good? I thought I heard..." Minho looks at you in Newt's arms. 

"Learn to knock, you bloody shank," Newt's voice breaks as he responds to Minho. You didn't realize that he had been crying too. Pulling out of the hug, you cup Newt's face in your hands. 

"I love you, Newt." Your voice cracks. "I always will. I know we'll get out of this place. I know it. Please don't give up, I need you. We all need you, You're our second in command and our best Runner." 

"Hey! I'm literally right here!" Minho waves from the doorway. "Did ya forget me alrea-" The second best runner gets cut off when a pillow hits him in the face. Then the sass queen tries to flip his hair, forgetting that he doesn't have long hair, ends up smacking himself in the head, and then backing out the door slowly. 

"FOR ALL OF OUR SAKES, LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN 3 INCHES." (stranger things anyone?) Alby shouts from wherever the shuck he is. 

++++( time skip )++++

Newt's POV (TW: su!c!de) 

Even after last night, when Y/N comforted me, I still felt so alone. That's why I have to do this. As I finish up the note that I'm going to stuff in Y/N's pocket, I sigh. Even though I'm usually excellent at hiding them, wet salty tears drip down my face (ok a/n: am i the only one who licks my tears off when they come close to my mouth or am i just weird? pls comment so ik ur actually reading this lol). 

I have to do this. That is the thought that keeps running through my head as I gently place the note in Y/N's hoodie, the one that used to be mine. She'll find another guy. She has a whole Glade full of boys falling head over heels for her. I won't be here to protect Y/N from Gally and everyone who just wants to do the nasty with her. I would never want to do that if she wasn't completely okay with it. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the others. I wish there was some way that I could go back and try to stop my descent into madness. But this is the only way. 

This is the only way. This time those are the words that repeat in my head. Running into the Maze with the other Runners. Climbing up the ivy. 

++++( time skip )++++


I wake up with a start. Shaking, I climb out of bed and get dressed. I decide not to put Newt's hoodie on today, because it's already scorching hot (see what i did there? scorching, scorch? scorch tri- ok ill go now). I do run to his room though, after getting dressed. 

When I knock on the door, there is no answer, The floor creaks underneath my shoes as I open the door and step into the room. But as I step forward, Newt isn't in his bed. Was the nightmare real? No. It couldn't have been. 

I wake up in a cold sweat. Newt. I have to save him. I rush into his room and take in the scene. The bed is messed up, the dresser drawers are open, but that's not what bothers me most. What does bother me most? The fact that Newt's not in his bed. I sit down on the floor and part of a song plays in my head. It's one that Newt used to sing to me. 

"Yeah I, I know it's hard to remember, the people we used to be," That verse had more meaning to the Gladers than it probably did to the writers of hat song. I skip forward a little, to the part that Newt and I would always sing together. 

"If happy ever after did exist," My voice is trembling. "I would still be holding you like this." Neither Newt or I could remember what the name of the song was, but it was our special song. 

"All those fairytales are full of shit," I smile as I sing that last word, one that Newt would always skip over or replace with 'klunk.' 

"One more shucking love song, I'll be sick." I finish the verse trembling. Then there is nothing. 

Then I woke up. Yeah, it's a klunk dream. But where did Newt go? 

Oh. I smack my own head, disappointed at my own stupidity yet again. Newt's a Runner. He probably went already. He does usually wake me up, but maybe I was too hard to wake. 

Okay. Now I just have to work. Yay. 

++++( time skip )++++

Alby's POV

Newt should've been back ages ago. If he doesn't make it back... I don't even want to think about that. And Y/N would be wrecked if Newt didn't make it. On a sudden burst of courage, I decide to go out into the Maze. To run the section that was Newt's duty to do today. To find out if anything had happened to my best friend. 

Third person POV

Alby runs out into the Maze, while Newt lies on the floor whimpering. Broken. In more ways than one. 

"Y/N..." Newt says her name. "I have to get back to Y/N." Every word was a separate sentence, as if it pained him to even speak. When the boy had fallen, he realized his mistake. But now he was wondering if he would ever get to look into those Y/E/C eyes again, tell her he loved her, curl up beside her, or even laugh at a joke she made. Newt closed his eyes and cried. 

A/N: Heyyy, did ya like it Scarlet (and my other readers, of course)? Would you want a part 2, because I would love to make one! Please please please leave a comment down below! Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed. 


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