(1) Newt

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NAME: Diana
EDIT: I'm changing all the names to Y/N

Thomas is in the Glade but isn't a major character in my story.

"Hey Y/N/N," I hear from outside my room in the Homestead. Alby and Newt think that the other boys would steal my stuff or do stupid things or play dumb pranks on me if I slept in a hammock (the list goes on and on, according to Alby), so they gave me my own room, right next to Newt's. Newt, who is one of my best friends. Newt, who I have a crush on. Only Minho, my other best friend, knows about my secret crush on Newt and he is always trying to set us up for a date together. I keep trying to tell him no, but he ignores me every time. 

"Y/N?" I hear the voice again and I shake myself out of my silence. 

"Yeah? I'm about to take a shower," I call. I open the wooden door and I see Newt with a concerned expression on his face. 

"I heard that Gally was going to try and play a prank on you. I just wanted to check in on you to see how you were going and to warn you, because you know how your temper flares from time to time." Newt tells me. I thank him and tell him I'll be fine. 

When Newt leaves, I do an internal squeal. He actually checked in on me! That has to count for something, right? With a smile on my face, I take the only clothes I have off and I slip into the bathroom. Once the water is running, I step in to the shower and start to soap my hair with the small bottle of hair wash that the Creators sent up with me. 

When I finish showering, I wrap my towel securely around my body and walk out to my room, but my clothes are no longer on the bed where I left them! 

"Gally!" I scream. My anger issues are kicking in. Newt pokes his head into my room and I explain what I think happened. Newt's face turns angry and he runs into another room to grab some spare clothes. Luckily, I still have my underwear, but Newt has to get me a shirt and I also borrow a pair of shorts. The clothes are tight on me and it's sort of uncomfortable, but I don't care. Once I am dressed, I look out the window to the Glade. I see Gally and I'm about to go down there and punch the klunk out of that slinthead but something grabs my attention. It's Newt and he's limping towards Gally determinedly. Oh no. I can't let Newt get hurt because of me! I run down the stairs of the Homestead but by the time I get down to the Glade, it's too late. 

"What is your problem?" Newt is yelling at Gally. The latter says, 

"Defending your girlfriend, huh Newt?" with a smirk. Before Newt gets even angrier, I grab his shoulder. 

"I got it, but can you please get Alby convinced that I shouldn't spend a night in the Slammer for harming another Glader?" I plead. Newt's face is still red with anger, but he agrees and limps in the direction of the Homestead to find Alby. 

I turn and face Gally. Maybe I'm it. Maybe I'm the only person in the whole Glade who can stand up to the bully of the Glade like this. And I don't think I'll last that long if he wants a fight. Just then, my other best friend Minho, and his running partner, Thomas, come sprinting out of the Maze at full speed. They grab everyone's attention and they are coming right for me. Once they get to me, they stand at my sides and I hear Minho ask me what happened. Apparently, they heard Newt shouting at Gally from not far into the Maze. 

"You look better with those tight clothes. You don't need to hide your body with the baggy ones you always wear, Y/N/N." my enemy taunts. I feel my face try to start turning red, but I stop it. Only some of the Gladers know how insecure I am about my body. 

"Thomas, go find Newt. He'll explain what happened. Minho, stay with me." I turn and face Gally again. He smirks at me again and I snap. With no warning at all, I surprise him by running straight at him. I am almost as tall as my opponent and I have long legs so I cover the short distance between us in no time. Once I reach Gally, I kick him in the stomach. Not hard, just enough so that he thinks I'm weak. He tries to punch me but I nimbly dodge it. Then, I come up behind him and kick the back of his leg, the back of where his knee is. His legs buckle and he falls to his knees. When he gets back up, his face is red. I smile sweetly as he lunges for me. Then, I bring my hand up, ball it into a tight fist, and punch him in the jaw. Surprisingly, that is enough to knock his already weak body to the ground. But he has something I don't.

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