(1) Thomas

801 17 25

Name: Bella
EDIT: I'm changing all the names to Y/N

(Yes, I know Minho is a runner, but I was halfway through this when I remembered, so just pretend it's his day off? LOL)


As I walk across the sunny Glade, I smile. For once, I actually feel at home. I just got here around two weeks ago but I had already made some friends so I didn't feel quite as lonely as I did my first couple days. Luckily, there were some nice-ish guys in the Glade. And here was one of them now! 

"Minho," I called out. He was talking to someone I didn't know near the Homestead, but he turned around when he heard my voice. 

"Hey shank, what's up?" Minho asked once I reached him. 

"I finished all my work, thought I might annoy you for a while." I said. Minho considered this and asked me "Wait, where are you working again?" I knew he was joking, but I responded anyways. 

"I'm a Med-jack, Minho. Get that through your thick skull, slinthead!" I teased, ruffling his hair, which I knew would piss him off. It did. 

"Y/N! Do you know how much hair gel I go through per week? The Creators barely send enough and now I have to use some more!" The sass queen reprimanded me. I could barely keep a straight face, but when he pulled out a small makeup mirror (that he had stolen from my box, by the way) from his pocket and checked his hair, I couldn't hold it in any longer and I burst out laughing! 

Minho shot me a disapproving look just as Newt and Thomas wandered over. 

"Hey Y/N, hi Minho," Thomas greeted us. Minho raised his hand towards Thomas and Newt by way of greeting. 

"Minho can't talk right now, he has to fix his hair so that he can win the Gladers' Beauty Pageant." I quipped. Newt grinned and Thomas chuckled at that, which gave me butterflies. Oh, by the way, I have had a crush on Thomas ever since I met him. He was so strong and he had those green eyes that made you want to lose yourself in them. His laugh was the most amazing thing I have ever heard. But, to be honest, I know he will never feel the same back towards me. I'm too fat. To him, I'm probably just like another guy in the Glade. No use dreaming of what you can't have. That's pretty much been my motto since I stepped foot into the Glade. 

Newt nudged Thomas, shaking me out of my thoughts and back into the real world. 
"Hey, Y/N, when you're-" Thomas started. He was interrupted by Minho closing the mirror and letting out a satisfied smile. Newt rolled his eyes and grinned again while Thomas looked... well, Thomas was a mixture of emotions, some hard for me to decode. He looked sad, happy, relieved, and there was something else in there, something I don't think I had ever seen before. 

"You're lucky Y/N/N, Minho's hair is back to perfect," Newt grinned. 

"Dinner?" A now happier Minho suggested as the rumbling of the ground announced that the doors were closing and it was, in fact, dinner time. The guys took the rumbling of my stomach as a yes to Minho's question-that-wasn't-really-a-question. We headed to the kitchen to get our food from Frypan. 

**********AFTER DINNER**********

With our stomachs content, Thomas, Minho, Newt, and I made our way back into the rickety Homestead. I said goodnight to the guys and went to my room, which was next to Newt's. Taking out my ponytail, I went to sit on the bed when I realised there was a note on my pillow. 

Meet me in the deadheads at
midnight tonight. 
important, please be there. 

I was confused, to say the least. Why did Thomas want to meet in the deadheads, of all places? And why couldn't he have just asked me at dinner if it was so important? I sighed. I guess I will never know the answers to the mysteries of boys. 

Pulling on my PJ's, I set my clock alarm for close to midnight. The light blinked, letting me know that it was set. After putting my shoes by the door, I pulled the warm covers over me and dozed off. 

When I woke up, it was quiet and dark. Still groggy, I shook my head once then remembered the note from Thomas that was still on my bedside table. I checked my clock. 11:48. Good, I still had about ten minutes before I needed to be in the deadheads. Shivering, I arranged my sheets in such a way that I could run back into my room and slide under the covers as fast as I needed to. 

Once I finished arranging my bed, I glanced at my clock. 11:56. I needed to go. So I quietly slipped on my sneakers and snuck out the door. 

Looking around once I arrived at the deadheads, there was no sign of Thomas. So I sat against a tree and just waited. I started to regret not coming a little bit later when I saw a figure emerge out of the darkness. 

"Thomas?" I whisper-shouted. The figure looked towards me so I gave a small wave. "Hi Thomas," I said. When the figure got closer, it was apparent that Thomas was blushing. 

"Hey Y/N," he said. "I'll make it quick - it's freezing out here tonight." I nodded in agreement. 

"So, I... I think I like you." Thomas admitted. My mouth fell open in complete and utter shock. The boy who I had liked since I stepped foot into the Glade was here in front of me, telling me that he liked me. But he wasn't finished.

"It's not because you're the only girl in the Glade, I swear." Thomas continued, still blushing. "It's because I have had a crush on you since I met you. You're smart, cute, fun, and so easy to get along with." I may or may not have started blushing around this point. 

"Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" Thomas asked shyly. 

"Yes!" I squealed, almost forgetting to whisper. "Thomas, I have liked you since I stepped foot in the Glade! Of course!" Thomas smiled, a wonky smile that was too big for his face, the same smile that I fell in love with. 

"Newt! Minho! She said yes!" Thomas called. Just at that moment, Minho and Newt themselves stepped out from behind two trees. 

"Shuckfaces," I muttered playfully. Minho heard and swatted my arm. just before I went in for a hug from Thomas. He made me feel warm, safe, secure, and loved. 

A/N: 1113 words (not including the A/N)! Not too bad for my first chapter! Also, how did you like it? I know I am not gonna get any responses but did you like it? 

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