(3) Minho

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"Pick up the pace," yells an older boy. "Shank." He continues to yell insults at me from where he is working with the Builders. I try to ignore him, but it's hard, seeing as the gardens where I worked as a Track-hoe were right next to the Builders' new project. 

"I bet this shuck-face doesn't even know how to use a hammer!" For me, that was the final straw. I whipped around, a menacing expression on my face as I jogged over to the boy. He laughed and nudged a group of boys near him. I grabbed a hammer from his tool box and I started to walk away with it. The guy chuckled again.

"That all you got, slinthead?" The idiotic boy shouted. All of a sudden, I sprinted for him. Quickly closing the short distance between him and me, I used the momentum when I stopped to nail the boy in the face with the hammer. Smirking, I ran back to the staring Track-hoes and got back to work. 

++++++++++Time skip++++++++++

After dinner, I am about to go up to my room in the Homestead but Alby stops me. I have only been here for three days, but I am pretty sure that Alby is like the leader of these people who call themselves the Gladers. 

"Hi, Alby, right?" I ask. He nods. 

"Listen, Y/N, you haven't been here long, but someone should have told you the rules. One of our major three rules are that you should never harm another Glader." Alby looks at me. "You threw a hammer at Colin (abraham linCOLN), hit him straight in the face. He wandered into the Maze and got stung because his eyes weren't fully healed." My mouth dries at this sentence from Alby, and I am left speechless. "We're going to have to arrange a Banishing tomorrow, 

"Oh my gosh, I am so so so sorry Alby, he was teasing me and telling me I couldn't do stuff and I just got so mad, I didn't even think about the consequences." I feel something wet drip down my cheek and I desperately wipe it away. 

"Because of our rules, you have to be in the Slammer for one night. I'm sorry, Y/N, but this is how it has to be," Alby states when he sees me start to argue. I sigh and nod. 

 ++++++++++TIME SKIP (the next morning)++++++++++

Gally is not a pleasant person, even in the best of times. 

I don't know how that escaped my mind when Alby told me that Gally was going to be the one taking me to the Slammer tomorrow evening. 

"C'mon Y/H/NN." Gally grunts. I oblige and follow the massive boy, (nicknamed 'Eyebrows' for a reason) to the Slammer. 

I cling to the bars as Gally locks the door and laughs. He then walks away without saying a word. I roll my eyes. I knew he hated me, but that was weird. 


I've been in the Slammer for a while now, and I can't sleep. It's almost midnight when I see a figure creeping out of the Homestead to the Slammer. When the figure gets closer, I can see that it is Ben. 

"Hi Ben, wha-" I start, but Ben cuts me off. 

"I know you're in love with Minho." Ben states. I step back. Only one person other than me is supposed to know! Then I realise. Anyone could bribe Chuck with candy. I sigh and make a mental note not to tell Chuck anything super important. 

"So?" I ask. Ben rolls his eyes. 

"You will be my girlfriend. You will follow my commands. If you tell anyone anything about it, you will regret it. I can hurt you. I can also tell people about your little crush if you disobey me. You will pretend to be totally in love with me and you will act the part." My eyes widen at this from Ben. But he will hurt me if I don't act it, so I make the worst mistake of my life. I nod. Ben's eyes fill with greedy pleasure and he runs back to the Homestead. I shake my head and sleep comes back to me. 

The next morning, Ben himself lets me out. 

"Tell me you love me," Ben hisses once I am out, holding a knife to my thigh so that the other Gladers around us couldn't see it. I gasp at the cold, sharp metal as he presses it closer. 

"Ben," I start with a gulp. He releases the knife. "I love you." Ben grins a fake, cunning smile and he grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer. Oh no. Oh no. But when I try to pull away, Ben grips me harder. Soon, my body is up against his. He leans in and kisses me, but all I can feel is panic. Soon, he pulls away. I'm a pretty good actress, so I imagine if what just happened was with Minho. Fluttering my eyelashes, I giggle. 

I am free but so chained. 


This sucked. I'll give u guys a part 2 if you want it, would you? 

Anyways, 863 words, not a lot haha! soooooo yeah that's itt Baiiiiii

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