(1pt2) All/none: The Blue Rose

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lE bLuU rOsE

In this story, a certain SOMEONE who SHOULD HAVE been immune to the Flare is immune. Thank me later, but right now, we have to assassinate James Dashner for this violation of the Newt-fandom-rules. 

Thomas' POV

"Where is Chuck, anyway?" Y/N asked, her voice laced with humor. (wow that made no sense)

"Dead." I said, trying not to let my voice falter. Y/N smiled her venomous smile again and left the room. A couple minutes later, she brought all the other Gladers back in.

"Now, this is why I brought you here." Y/N started. "Thomas here abandoned me, and now you're all going to pay." she stated in her down-to-earth manner. A couple Gladers glared at me, but the majority was looking around in hopes of trying to find a way out. 

"This is wicked, huh?" Y/N asked with a twinkle in her eye. I snapped my head up at the mention of that word. Wicked? Was WICKED making her do all this? She was a pretty good actress and if they threatened her, she wouldn't have much to resist with. Next to me, Newt's eyes widened and I could tell he was thinking the same thing as I was. Y/N had been one of the first up the Box, and Newt knew her much better than anyone. Like the majority of the Gladers, he was the first one she trusted, and she is - was like a sister to him. 

"Not all of you know what the Blue Rose means, and I'd like to keep it that way." Y/N grinned again, but the twinkle was back and she put emphasis on the words Blue Rose and keep. Newt and Minho glanced at me and then each other. Newt scratched his chin and Minho nodded. 

"It's bloody go time," Newt hissed at Minho and I. And we went. Lunging for Y/N, Minho, Newt and I were able to tie her up without much trouble. Y/N struggled enough for it to look realistic, but in the end, she was overpowered. That was weird. It took me, Minho, Newt and Gally to pin her down once, when she was super angry at one of the Gladers, I don't remember who. But the point is, she's strong. Or, she used to be. Either she weakened with time or she was allowing us to take her. I let myself hope it was the second one. 


Finally! Those boys picked up my hints and they're taking me out! I heard Newt whisper to Thomas and Minho, but I didn't allow myself to hope that it meant me as well. 

"Hurry up, c'mon!" I heard a deep voice that I think was Minho say, just before I blacked out. 

When I woke up, we were in a different place. 

"Where are we?" I asked, after letting my eyes adjust. The only other people in the room with me were Newt and Minho.

"We'll tell you after you tell us everything that happened." That was Newt. 

"Okay, fine." I said, shifting into a comfortable position as I started to tell the story. "I was running the Maze with Thomas when I tripped over a piece of concrete or something. I fell and hurt my ankle. That shank, Thomas, looked back at me. For a second, I thought he was gonna come back. But he didn't. I was left in the Maze by myself just before the Doors closed. And when they did, I thought I was going to die. But as soon as a Griever came around the corner, it lunged straight for me. I thought I was going to die, again, but the Griever just picked me up and carried me through a place I'd never seen before. They took me to WICKED and put a gun to my head. Told me if I didn't do what they instructed, they'd kill you two." I sighed. "Didn't want that to happen to you two shuck-faced shanks." Minho and Newt looked at each other than nodded. 

"We're in the Safe Haven," Newt said. 

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