sō i.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• shibayama was actually the one who 'set you both up'
• being in shibayama's class and becoming good friends with him, it was normal for you to want to attend one of his volleyball games after finding out he was a player on the team
• once you got there you were greeted by everyone and that included the very excited sō


• if he's being honest his first idea was to have the whole volleyball team lined up with a big banner that asked you out on a date but he then realised how embarrassing that would be for you both
• on the end he decided to do it like a typical romance anime confession and confess in school during lunch
• he asked to speak to you during on lunch break and practically pulled you out of class
• then he brought you outside to a small corner in the school where you could both have some privacy
• he did yell at you and it was very confusing at first
• after he realised how confused you were he got very embarrassed and explained that he did really like you
• of course you accepted and still tease him about how awkward his confession was

~first date~

• your first date with inuoka was to a really pretty park he enjoys (mostly because there are so many dogs)
• once you both met up and began walking around the park it took a lot from him before he finally grabbed a hold of your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours
• he took so many pictures of you, with and without you knowing
• once you caught him you began doing the same to him and then took pictures together
• at the end of the day he made on of you his screensaver :)

~what dates are like~

• your dates with inuoka are very active and busy
• he much prefers to be out and active with you whether it be at a carnival, arcade, park, or a volleyball game

~study sessions~

• study sessions with inuoka just don't work
• he really does try his hardest for you but there are many other things he would rather be doing right now than sitting and studying
• his attention span may be very short but you can study for about an hour before he hurries off to play some more volleyball
• if you need help with anything he is a terrible teacher but him trying so hard for you is adorable


• kisses are very new to inuoka so when you do them it really does catch him off guard quite a lot
• however, when it's him initiating the kisses he has no problem of placing a quick peck to your lips and then cheering to himself
• if he is ever stressed you can easily tell in his kisses because they become much more aggressive which is very unlike him when it comes to you
• his favourite places to kiss you are he cheek and he loves sneaky little kisses on your neck while your hugging because he knows how flustered it can get you
• he loves to be kissed on the forehead

~caught making out~

• he just apologises a lot to whoever walked in and gets very embarrassed
• if it's one of his upper-classmen it gets even worse and he refuses to look them in the eye for a while
• lev walked in once and will never let the poor guy live it down


• our boy does love pda and will take any opportunity to hug you, that is unless it's in front of his senpais because then he gets embarrassed
• when you're watching a movie he likes to be right up close to you with your legs across his lap and your side against his chest so he can hold you as close as possible
• when you're in bed and cuddling he wants his face to be snuggled in your neck with no chance for escape
• overall, cuddles and hugs are his favourite thing
• it's also very easy to tell when he's tired because your chest is his favourite pillow


• when he is jealous it's very easy to tell
• his face is one of his biggest giveaways
• he doesn't get jealous often since he tends to not think too much about it but when he does it never works out well
• he hates to admit it but he was a little jealous when you met everyone in his team as they took up so much time with you
• he needs a lot of attention after he's jealous or he'll stay sour for days

~sick days~

• when he is sick he goes full baby mode and wants your full attention
• however, when he is sick the last thing he wants is to get you sick too so he won't let you too close
• he doesn't know what to do when you're sick but just tries his best to stay with you and give you company
• he will also run to the shops to buy you anything you could ever want

~meeting the family~

• he was so hyper
• really, he was just happy he could finally get to meet everybody so he was able to look past the fears building up inside him
• during the meeting he did get a little carried away and extra bubbly but he was very sweet and everyone adored him- like a little puppy almost

~favourite part of you~

• your smiles are his favourite thing- especially when he's the cause of them
• he really does feel like your smile could light up a whole room
• he also truly loves your hugs because he's truly a sucker for affection

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