kentarō k.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• oikawa and iwaizumi has given you the task of 'training' the new delinquent that would be rejoining their team
• the others had told you a little about the 'mad dog' so of course, you were terrified
• iwaizumi promised to look after you though :)
• when you first met him you understood where he others were coming from by how intimidating the boy was
• it took a while (and a lot of giving him meat) for him to warm up to you and eventually you were the teams go-to to calm him down


• the team told him he would never ask you out so he did
• he basically just grunted out an 'i like you' and tried to walk away before you could answer
• when you told him you like him too he was so red and had no idea what to do but say 'cool' and leave

~first date~

• he went over to your house for your first date since he wanted it to be more comfortable for you both rather than going out somewhere in public
• he did send you a huge list of snacks he wanted
• when you both finally found a movie/show to watch he refused to sit too close to you
• halfway in the movie he calmed down a little and moved closer to you, wrapping his arm behind you on the couch

~what dates are like~

• usually your dates are just you both spending time together casually, usually in either of your houses or outdoors somewhere quieter
• he hates shopping on dates so please don't take him to the shops or all he'll do is complain
• kentarō will always have his hand on you or an arm wrapped around you

~study sessions~

•kentarō usually just doesn't study in general so you'll have to convince him to study with you
• don't bother to ask for help since you will not receive it
• he has no idea how to teach and you'll have to be the one to help him instead
• if he does give in to help expect one or two worded answers


• he goes nothing or all in
• kisses on the neck are his weakness
• he got into the habit of grabbing your chin while kissing you
• if you let him he'll 100% choke no doubt
• ken has no problem with pda when you don't know anyone around you so don't be embarrassed if he starts kissing you in public
• however, he does get a little embarrassed when there are others he knows around since he doesn't want them thinking he's too soft

~caught making out~

• doesn't phase him at all
• will just fully continue and not lay any mind to whoever just came in
• if it's someone who annoys him specifically or they came in at a very bad time he does get aggressive and might try to lash out at them for interrupting you both


• he isn't a very cuddly person but he will walk around with his arm around you in some way
• usually if you're sleeping together he'll let you curl into his side which he refuses to admit he liked
• when you're watching a movie he did get used to cuddling together though he can get a little handsy if the movies boring to him


• kentarō gets very jealous very easily
• the smallest thing will set him off and oikawa loves to see it
• he especially gets jealous of iwaizumi when you both talk since iwaizumi is the only one stronger than him who he'll respect
• when he's jealous he will not hesitate to drag you away or have a full-on make-out in front of the person
• he can get very aggressive and you'll need to get really good at calming him down
• does get very clingy after since he wants to show how much he appreciates you

~sick days~

• if you're sick it's almost like he'll disappear
• he just does not want to be sick so he'll tend to just avoid you
• if you're really sick he'll probably buy some snacks and give them to you but not much else

~meeting the family~

• kentarō is not a very social or... friendly person so it was a struggle
• he didn't show it at all but he was trying his hardest since he wanted them to like him at least a little
• i liked to imagine the first time he met them he got overly dressed up to kind of compensate for his personality

~favourite part of you~

• he loves how patient you are with him since he knows he can be a lot to handle sometimes
• how much time you took to get to know him and help him really become a part of the team was what made him fall for you in the first place so it's only fitting it's his favourite

haikyuu NSFW out now! <3

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