saeko t.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you and saeko met in high school
• you had run into her in the halls
• of course at first you were intimidated by her but after a few times you ran into each other you realised she was just very laid back and cool
• you both met again later after a year after you had graduated from karasuno and promised to keep in touch
• the both of you hung out together quite a lot after that


• she was the one who asked you out and she couldn't have been more colling about it
• she was basically just like "i like you, i can tell you like me. let's date."
• it happened very quickly but you were both still very happy

~first date~

• your first date was to the park
• it may not seem all that romantic but she filled her bag with piles of snacks and booze for you both
• she was very flirty and kept making you embarrassed but she just thought it was cute

~what dates are like~

• indoor dates are the best
• she would much rather just stay inside and just spend time with you than go out somewhere
• you'll never go anywhere fancy (unless you want to)
• it's always very casual and fun with lots of jokes
• sometimes you both go to the bar together and get drinks and drink saeko is your favourite thing because she's so bubbly and excited until you get home and then she's very dominant ;)

~study sessions~

• since your both adults you don't study much now together and you weren't too close in high school so you didn't study here together either
• sometimes you'll both crash the second year's study sessions and they love it
• you and saeko always joke around with them but you like to help them out whenever you can too
• they call you big sis too


• passionate
• nothing about the majority of your kisses are pg but you ain't complaining
• she usually has her hands on your hips/butt and sometimes one on your breast if you're lying down and kissing
• she loves having her hands through your hair and loves when you do the same thing back to her
• if it's not lip kisses then it's kisses to the back of your hand or your neck
• if it's getting heated she'll grip your thighs

~caught making out~

• doesn't care at all
• she'll just play it off like nothing happened and isn't phased at all


• she is a big hugger
• when you're hugging it's like a big bear hug
• if you're shorter than her you're face will be in her boobs...
• she likes to have her arms around your shoulders and your hands around her torso
• when you're going to sleep she needs to be holding you


• if it's really bad she will just walk up and make it with you right there
•, of course, she trusts you but if anyone tries to flirt with you she makes sure they know you're not available even if you've already said it

~sick days~

• she doesn't care if you're sick you're still going out to do stuff together
• if you're really bad then she'll just kiss you till you feel better which surprisingly works
• if you are well enough to go out together then you will be going out together

~meeting the family~

• when she met your family they were a little intimidated at first (tanaka's just have that vibe)
• it didn't take your family too long to realise how much she adored you since she couldn't keep her hands off you
• when you met ryū for the first time he didn't know what to think
• he tried acting all though to make sure you would be good to his big sister but that all fell apart once you both got to talking
• he calls you big sis too now and it's your favourite thing

~favourite part of you~

• she loves your thighs
• just imagine her kissing all of your scars/birthmarks/stretch marks/freckles
• no matter what on them or the size she just loves your thighs and takes any opportunity she has to have her hands on them

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