hitoka y.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you are one of hinata's friends and he had asked you to help him study
• if course you said yes but knowing you'd be handling him as well as kageyama made you feel a bit uneasy so he made sure to get another tutor to help you out
• once you made it to the library you didn't expect to see your friends with the cute girl
• she was very anxious to be around you but you made her feel a lot more comfortable by the end of the session
• hinata noticed how you two talked and decided to tease you about it for days


• you were the once who confessed to yachi
• well not really since hinata left a short note 'from you' and some chocolates in her locker since he was desperate for his best friend and manager to get together already
• once she saw the letter and chocolates 'from you', she went straight to you and accepted your confession before running away from embarrassment
•, of course, you had no idea what was going on but hey, you got a girlfriend now

~first date~

• your first date was a study date since you were both too embarrassed to do anything else
• both of you had studied many times together before but with two other people and now you have both confessed it was very different
• you decided to study in the library since you knew they had everything you needed and you didn't need to go to each other's house right away
• she also surprised you by bringing a lot of snacks
• she ended up confessing she brought so many because she didn't know what you liked and didn't want to seem rude so she brought everything hey had at the store
• this lead to you both not really doing much work after a while but just answering questions about each other
• she did ask more questions than you thought because she wanted to make sure everything she did was okay
• afterwards you walked home together and you kissed her on the cheek goodbye which she nervously returned before she ran inside to tell her mum everything

~what dates are like~

• study dates are usually your go to
• she doesn't like going out too much and spends most of her time studying since she's in the top of your year group but you're always supporting her so don't mind studying together
• even if it's just you asking her questions
• she always kisses your cheek at the end of the date and then runs inside after (it never changes)

~study sessions~

• she's a really amazing teacher and can teach you anything surprisingly quickly
• she's also very smart so she knows everything your learning about
• she likes to put on the study playlists she finds on youtube to help her focus
• if you make any advances during study time she freaks out and turns bright red


• she really had no idea what was going on so you had to take the lead (whether you knew or not)
• her hands are usually placed on your shoulders since she's too shy to touch anywhere else
• her favourite thing is when your hands are on the small of her back of tangled into the back of her head
• she is always very cautious that no one can walk in because she would die
• she likes to sit on your lap as your sitting up and straddle you against the headboard of the bed

~caught making out~

• she dies


• she loves hugs and cuddles
• she really just nestles into you and doesn't ever want to let you go
• when you're lying down her face will be in your neck and her arms around your neck so you can cling onto her waist
• if you're taller than her back hugs are her favourite even though they catch her off guard every time


• she doesn't get jealous really
• if she does she's too scared to do anything about it but her mannerisms make it obvious so you'll leave so you don't make her uncomfortable

~sick days~

• she is just terrified you'll never get better
• she also refuses to leave your side until you do get better
• goes through all of the 'house remedies' to make you better and it surprisingly works most of the time

~meeting the family~

• again with kiyoko on supportive and stuff
• she was incredibly nervous and it did take her a few times meeting them to feel better but eventually, she felt better
• under the table she would cling onto your hand for support

~favourite part of you~

• she loves your arms
• your arms are her favourite because when they wrap wound her she just feels so loved and safe

i think doing these have just confirmed that i ain't straight

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