tadashi y.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you are one of yachi's friends and once she became manager you promised to go whenever you could and help out
• on your first day there (mostly) everyone was excited to have a new girl- some more than others though...
• as cheesy as it sounds yamaguchi thought you were gorgeous but he was too scared to say anything to you
• tsukishima was this and decided to tease him for a while and went up to you to talk which yamaguchi couldn't believe
• this went on for a few days where you helped out as you would try to converse with yamaguchi but he would go bright red and run away
• after a few practices where you helped out, tsukishima and yachi teamed up to help you both start talking
• so... they left you both to walk home together one day and luckily for the both of you, you became friends quite quickly


• yamaguchi had spent a night writing drafts of a love letter for you so he was extra tired the next day at school
• running to your locker, he slipped it in and then sprinted away to his class before you saw him or tsukishima teased him
• once you saw the pink letter with the heart sticker and read it you were overjoyed
• you ran to his class and stormed in before it was too busy and shouted that you accept his confession and ran back to your class
• he was frozen meanwhile tsukishima was smirking across the class from him

~first date~

• for your first date you both went to a cute restaurant for dinner together
• he practically begged you to let him pay so you said you would get the next one
• he had watched a whole lot of videos the night before on what to do on a first date so he did some stuff you thought were very funny
• he did his best to act very gentlemanly like- he opened every door for you (even ones you weren't going into), he pulled your chair out, he ordered food for you
• he tried and went all out
• he was too nervous to have a full conversation but after a while, you both got more comfortable talking to one another and everything went very smoothly
• on the walk home he snakes his dangers between yours and held your hand, refusing to let go
• you literally had to tug your hand out of his when you got home because he 'forgot'
• you kissed him on the forehead and before you could walk away he kissed your forehead

~what dates are like~

• he will always hold your hand whoever you are
• movie dates are his favourite so he can sit and snack with you while snuggling close
• you also both loves going on dates late at night together, watching the stars or just going on a walk in a park
• sometimes if you're hanging out at his place, tsukishima will be there too but none of you really mind since you and tsukishima are quite close too
• you study a lot together and afterwards are a lot of cuddles and a movie

~study sessions~

• it's usually just the two of you but sometimes tsukishima joins in
• he likes to study in silence most of the time
• he is a great teacher and will drop anything to help you get ready to pass a test


• he will always get flustered by your spontaneous kisses (unless he's in the mood and then he attacks)
• his kisses are soft like feathers
• his hands will be on your cheek
• if your hands are on the back of his neck, playing with his hair he goes weak
• now he expects a kiss before and after every game
• he needs extra kisses if he has had a bad day
• kisses on the cheek and nose are his favourite, especially if it's like you're kissing all of his adorable freckles
• he loves giving cheek kisses

~caught making out~

• he just freezes up
• the first time it happened he collapsed
• you both don't get caught much because he tries really hard to make sure no one will be able to walk in otherwise he'll spend the whole time worrying


• even though he is a big boy he will hug like he is smol
• rubs circles on your back while you hug
• he likes to be the little spoon and have his face in your chest
• he will just walk into your room and cuddle you if he wants to (which happened often)
• hold you as close as possible to the point you're almost suffocating


• he doesn't get too jealous but he doesn't like it when someone is directly flirting with you
• he just stays quiet until they've left or you've noticed he's uncomfortable and went to him
• every now and then when he's feeling more confident he will go up to the both of you and wrap his arm around you
• the first time he got jealous since you were dating, tanaka and noya told him to go up and take you away but it turns out you were talking to a family member
• he was so embarrassed
• after he gets very insecure and needs a lot of love and attention until he feels better

~sick days~

• he gets so scared you'll die to protect him
• he will never leave your side until you are back to 100% and even then he is still cautious
• if you get sick from being out in the rain he will never let you go near the rain again and will always make sure you are wrapped up with an umbrella

~meeting the family~

• he thought he would vomit up his heart really
• he spent hours studying up on your family because his worst fear was he angered them or forgot one of their names
• he dressed up so smart
• your parents/carers actually thought he was very cute and funny how anxious he was

~favourite part of you~

• he loves your eyes the most
• as cheesy as it sounds he just adores the way you look at him so lovingly
• he sometimes wonders what he did to deserve for you to look at him like that but with a little confirmation he'll feel much better

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