yū n.

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~how you met~

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~how you met~

• you were a first-year libero for karasuno girls volleyball team and you were late to your practice for the first time in weeks
• it was another one of the days where the boys and girls teams were mixed so you knew that you had to make the most of your time since the space was limited
• once you got there you spotted your team practising serves while the boys' team stretched on the side, occasionally glancing at the girls to pick up techniques and give advice
• you saw one of your stronger girls going to serve so you ran in and did a perfect serve, surprising everyone in the gym
• instantly a certain short second-year libero's eyes lit up and he turned to tanaka and said "bro, look after kiyoko-san for me"
• this shocked everyone until they realised what he meant behind that
• after watching you for the whole of practice he went up to you and after you called him senpai and made him almost faint, he took you to get ice cream and walked you home


• on the way home one day after practice he stopped while you kept walking ahead not realising he was behind you and he screamed out to you and told you he loved you and asked you to be his girlfriend with a bright red face
• after you accepted he ran up to you and kissed you, shocking you
• he then took your hand and ran to the ice cream shop to celebrate
• the next day you had the whole of the volleyball teams congratulating you both as noya was so excited
• now he makes you call him 'yū-senpai'

~first date~

• noya took you to a festival for the date
• he never let go of your hand the whole way around and bought you every sweet he walked past
• you both went on all of the rides and he wouldn't stop screaming throughout it all
• at the end you both watched the fireworks on top of a hill and he kissed you
• he knew girls liked this from all of the shojo mangas he watched with tanaka

~what dates are like~

• noya likes to go outside for dates whether it be a walk, carnival, dinner, or arcade
• he just likes to be out doing things with you as he's so energetic
• the arcade is probably his favourite place to go and he's been trying to get you one of the toys from the claw machine for weeks now
• he's always very high energy and enthusiastic so the dates are always fun

~study sessions~

• if you do have study sessions together be prepared to be the tutor
• you end up creating programs for him to keep him on track
•, for example, you created a schedule and if he keeps to the schedule he gets prizes (kisses and cuddles)
• ennoshita has noticed that noya's grades and attention span have increased so he brings you along to help tanaka during the second year study sessions so you can help him watch over them
• noya has been trying a lot harder in exams for you because he knows how excited you get for him when he passes and he'll do anything to see you smile


• spontaneous kisser
• likes to be the dominant one but if you catch him off guard his face will go bright red
• he loves kisses on the lips the most and beloved everywhere else isn't a kiss (he just wants a proper kiss)
• can get very needy and desperate so lots of make-out sessions with him
• will usually hold your hands while you kiss and push you closer to him with them

~caught making out~

• this has never phased him
• if it's tanaka that walk in he'll just congratulate him and then cry about how lonely he is while you're both in the previous position
• he might go a bit redder in the face but most of the time he will just turn around and ask what the person wants
• now this is what you think but in his head, the poor boys freaking out


• wants you as close as possible
• will be either big or lil spoon depending on how he's feeling
• if you're lying down he'll have his arms around your waist and his face against your neck so his hair tickles your face
• lots of kisses during cuddling
• gets very clingy in the morning so you need to make a good half hour of cuddle time prepared before anything needs to be done


• gets jealous fairly easily
• he does trust you he just gets annoyed when someone looks at you or talks to you in a way only he should be able to like your boyfriend
• you can tell very easily when he gets jealous so you'll compliment him in front of the person talking about how awesome your boyfriend is to make him feel better
• sometimes he doesn't get jealous but more prideful?
• he'll boast about how the guy can flirt with you but you stay with noya
• was very hesitate to introduce you to yamamoto but now he is just another member of the '(y/n) protection squad'

~sick days~

• doesn't know what to do when you're sick and doesn't take initiative to ask or google it
• what he does do is give lots of affection and make sure to not leave your side
• his cuddles make you feel better right away and can cure any sickness you feel

~meeting the family~

• wasn't too nervous about meeting your family because he knew that he loves you no matter what but he also wanted to have their approval in your relationship
• at first your parents/carers were slightly hesitant because he does appear very wild but once they got to know his they saw how much he adored you so they approved very quickly
• he loved making them laugh and told many funny stories about him and him other boys

~favourite part of you~

• noya loves your fingers
• specifically when your fingers run through his hair while your cuddling

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