Another Lifetime

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When your boyfriend of three years randomly dies of a heart attack of the tender age of 25 in the front seat of your car... you start to question your own existence.

You start to question God. Why him? Why me? Why us? Always getting silence back.

You screamed as loud as you could, hoping he'd hear you on his way to heaven and come back to you. If you cried hard enough would you feel him wiping your tears away, you thought. Nothing you did brought him back to you.

All you thought about was the times you missed with him after all the trouble you put him through. You took him for granted. Started so much pointless arguments, accused him of cheating just because your ex cheated on you.

Getting tears in your eyes for the third time that day. You decided to write out what you were feeling. Hoping it'd make you feel better.

Dear Keith,

I hope you find your way. I am so sorry we couldn't make it, still I miss you so much. I thought I grew up and matured but I could never stop being a bad girlfriend to you. I wish perfect was enough for us, sometimes i swore it was enough for my own heart. I'll never forget you. I'll never meet another like you.

I'm gonna wait to meet us again in another lifetime. I'm going to appreciate you. I'm going to stay with you. I won't run from you. I will love you to your heart's content.

Love, your lady.

Putting the letter in an envelope, you closed it and addressed it to Keith and kissed it with tears running down your cheeks.

Hoping he knew just how much you missed him and regretted treating him while he was here.


Hello! Recently discovered this song and Artist. Nao's songs are so beautiful. So i wrote a 4 min imagine inspired by this song. Just to get it off my chest. Bye

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