It Follows - Keith Horror Imagine

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I'm trying something new.


It follows me.

It follows me everywhere.

I can sometimes feel breathing on the back of my neck.

Breath so hot I feel heat bumps rising on my skin.

While I'm laying down to go to sleep; I see him standing in the corner of my room starring

At me as if I was the that murdered him.

In his bright green eyes

So much hatred, I haven't been to sleep in two weeks.

I swear I'm going crazy.

I stay up nightly having a starring contest with him.

I wonder why he's stalking me. When I'm in the shower, I hear him roaming

The halls waiting for me to finish.

The nails scraping against the walls, slowly dragging his feet

Up and down the walkway.

I'm terrified to exit the bathroom to be met with his dark presence.

It likes I'm being haunted and I can't escape him.

You know the feeling you get when get told someone close to you has died?

Your heart stops, you start sweating, Breathing heavy. Basically your

Whole body comes to a stop.

That's what I feel every time he's around. Like someone I love just died.

It sometimes feels like I died myself.

When I'm laid up in bed starring at him, I can hardly breathe. I feel stuck.

He growls lowly but loudly. Low enough that no one else hears him

But loud enough that he's all I hear sometimes.

Music on blast doesn't even drown him out.

I feel him breathing on my neck right now.

I'm scared to turn around.

I can't even hear my thoughts.

While I'm out with friends and I'm trying to read their lips, I see him

In the corner of my eye

Waiting on his chance to attack.

For him to finally get what he wants; my soul.

What makes my soul so special that he's craving for it.

I don't know that myself.

He smells something on me that I can't sniff out myself.

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