There's Somebody Else PT. 4

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"How are you holding up?" You asked Keith. Today was the first day he was able to get visitors in rehab. You were the first person he told. He had to be in here for a month without communicating with the outside world.

"I'm doing better I'll be honest. I met people that told me about their life stories and it gave me a new perspective of life." Running his hands up and down his thighs, a habit that formed on its own.

"That's good to hear." Smiling a bit, you sat back in your chair a little.

"I also been talking to someone to help me with my personal problems."

"A counselor? I'm glad. Counseling helps people a lot."

"Yeah, I told him what I put you through and whatever else that has been bothering me. Since he thought my main problem was with you, you are what we mainly talk about. I don't have a problem with it." Folding his hands on top of the table, he tapped each finger against the back of the both hands.

"I don't think talking about me will help you with your problems, Keith. He needs to ask you about you. Your life, you know?" Putting his fingers up to his mouth, he started biting the skin around his nails.

"Honestly, talking about you helps me. I was telling him how I let you bring me here so I can be better for you in the future. He noticed how happy I got when he brought you up so he just kept bringing you up in our sessions." Shrugging, he continued to bite the skin.

Moving his hand away from his mouth and getting your hand sanitizer out of your little purse, you squirted some in his hands. "That's not good, Keith." You commented.

"I know but I have to do something to make my mind forget what I'm used to. The people in here said I have to consume my mind with something else while I'm in here so my mind puts the habits of my drug use far in the back of my mind. It's been working."

"You should try painting. I've heard that works."

You actually googled a lot of things to help with stuff like this. While he's been in here, you've been doing everything you can to help him. You had to pay the media not to go out with him being in rehab. Made sure his bills were paid. Go to his apartment once a week to make sure everything is how he left it.

You threw away all the food he had in his apartment. Did the dirty laundry he had in his bathroom.

People have asked you did you have a problem with doing all that and truth is, you wasn't. It gave you something to do. Jennifer wanted to do something but you didn't let her. You told her you had everything under control.

"I can't paint for shit," He laughed.

You also laughed thinking back to the time you made him go to a couples painting class with you. Everyone had to paint a sunset, Keith painted the sun at the top right corner of the canvas and zigzags for birds. That's all. Didn't even paint a background.

You still had that painting in your house.

"It's not about being good, it's about letting your mind wonder." You loved getting inspirational with everyone. No matter the topic, you were gonna drop some logic and you knew needed it.

"Y/N remember when we first became friends and I would always go to you for the most simplest advice? Ever wondered why I did that?"

To be honest, no you never did. "I haven't. I never thought there was a reason,"

"Well, I went to you because no matter what you said, I followed it. It could've been something I didn't agree with and I still followed your advice just because it was your voice.

People gave me the same advice before you and I didn't like it. Didn't have to think twice about following it. I just didn't. But when you told me, it was like it was my first time ever hearing it."

You didn't want to get emotional but he was making it so hard.

"You're probably thinking, 'Oh that's so corny,' but it's the truth. Then when you came to me that night to talk to me, I imagined us when we first became friends and why I fell in love with you."

"I can't believe I did you the way I did-"


"No. Let me finish," One minute you guys were talking about painting and the next, he's going down memory lane. "You made me a better man while we were together and I ruined my chances with you. I wish I could've just asked you for advice but I don't know what was controlling me. We would still be together I'm sure of it." That was it. You started crying.

"I didn't mean to make you cry. I just had to get this off my chest."

"I will always love you Y/N and I'm glad you're here for my journey. I know you wouldn't want to get back with me after I made you lose your trust in me, but I hope we can still be friends?"

"We can be friends. I'll like that."

"Two people who broke up could never be friends and if they are, they are either still in love or they never were..."


Last part for this imagine. Idk if this makes sense, I tried to make it sound as good as it did in my head and if it doesn't, I'm sorry.

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