While We're Young

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Thank you, @princess_sephora for giving me this song. The video was so cute I wanted to write it.


Keith sat at the bar of a small café. It was his first time being inside. He walked passed a couple of times and seen the same girl sitting in the same spot every day. He decided today will be the day he finally talks to her. Looking over at her again, she was doodling in her small journal again. "Don't do it. She was short term memory lost." The waiter said. He watched Keith watch her.

Ignoring what he said, he went up to her anyways. "Hey, I'm Keith and you are?" He asked holding his hand out. "Hi. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." She beamed shaking his hand. Sitting across from her he begun to make conversation. He learned that she loves waffles, likes to draw and she comes here every day because it reminds her of something.


"I haven't been to the park in such a long time." Y/N commented. For their first date, Keith wanted to take her to the park. He also came up with the idea to record everything they do so that he could remind her that they know each other when she forgets him the next day.

"That's why I brought you here. To remember everything that you can." Taking her hand, he took her to the ice cream cart a couple of feet from them. "What's your favorite flavor?" He asked.

"Uh, I think I like strawberry." Ordering a strawberry and a cookies and cream cone, they went back to the swings. Over there, she took one lick of her ice cream and said it was disgusting. Offering her his ice cream to taste, she loved the taste of cookies and cream. Giving her the cone, he just watched her eat it with a satisfied look on her face.


Waking up from a scream, again, he looked over at Y/N to see a scared expression on her face. An expression he got too used to. "Who are you and why are you in my bed?" She asked jumping up and grabbing a pillow. Hitting Keith with it, he tried to calm her down while looking for the camcorder.

After finding it, he hooked it up to the TV and they both watched the events from yesterday. They were in the car coming from the movies. She held the camera while Keith was driving. Talking to her future self. "Hey, Y/N. I just wanted to remind you that you've been dating Keith for two months now. Today, we went to go get food, went to the park, had fun at target and then went to the movies to see The Hitman's Bodyguard. You were laughing so hard." After that, it went to the black screen. Keith touched her shoulder and she jerked away from him and went into her bathroom.

With a sad face, he thought about what he did every day just to be around her. Every morning, he wakes up early just to go to the café to show her the videos they made the day before and every time, she'll get scared and say that he's crazy until the same waiter would calm her down and tell her that Keith's her boyfriend. Then she would watch the videos all the way through and Keith will take her on more dates or just take her home or to his house so they could chill.


Walking into the café, Keith spotted Y/N sitting at her table drawing. He left the camcorder at the house because he thought they were making progress and he didn't need it anymore. He headed her way with a big Kool-Aid smile on his face. "Hey, baby." He said once he reached her. "Baby?" She asked confused. "Yeah, remember me? Your boyfriend? KeiKei Poo?" He seen the same scared expression she normally makes on its way to her face. No matter how much he disliked the nickname Y/N gave him, he thought it would've pulled her memory somehow. Getting up from her seat, she started screaming gaining everyone's attention. "Hey, hey. You have to leave." The waiter said coming up to calm Y/N down. "But," Keith started watching Y/N freak out. "Just go." The waiter said turning her away from him.

It pained Keith to keep seeing her like that. It broke his heart every day. Getting into his jeep, he sat there for a while just thinking about why he hasn't stopped yet.

In the café, Y/N looked down at her journal and looked at the faces she drew. They were all the same. Different versions of the face. It was Keith she was slowly starting to remember him. His face but not the relationship they have.


Instead of going to the café every morning, Keith decided to park on a street on route to her house. Today, he made it seem like he needed a jump for his jeep. Flagging her down as she was coming around the corner, she pulled over asking him if he needed help. With a loving smile on his face, he nodded his head.

While he was getting the stuff ready, he started making conversation. He asked her if she could show her a project he's been working on for someone's opinion. Telling him yes, he went and got the camcorder from the front seat. Y/N then proceeded to watch herself talk about the day she had yesterday. "You just spent another perfect day with your KeiKei Poo," She smiled in the video. "Tell future me what you told me today." Turning the camera to Keith, he said "I'll follow you wherever you go." Touching her heart, she said that was so sweet.

After the video was over, she handed it back to him. "So we're dating. How long have we been together?" She asked staring up at him. "Four months." He answered.


"Quick here she comes." Keith said to his friend. As soon as her car turned the corner, his friend started pushing him and made him fall and then started hitting him. "Chill out." Keith said. His punches were starting to hurt.

"Hey!" Y/N screamed getting out of her car with her long electric stick. Running up to the friend, she got him one good time before he ran down the road to his hidden car.

"Are you okay?" She asked Keith bending down to get a look at him. "Yes, I'm fine." Getting up and wiping the dirt from his butt and thighs, he asked her if he could show her something as a thanks for saving him. Telling him, yeah. He got out the camcorder.

In this video, they were at the park again and she was on the swings screaming her little life away. Keith then asked a passing mom to record him push her higher. After she got off the swings, Keith pulled her into a hug and recorded both of them. While he was talking to the camera, Y/N was gazing up at him like it was love at first sight then she quickly kissed him on the cheek then the video ended.

Minutes later after Keith convinced her to stay with his, they were on top of his jeep with covers over them watching the sunset. Y/N watched him. Out of nowhere, she started getting the memories of Keith back. The days they spent together. The stuff they did. "Do you love me?" She suddenly asked out of nowhere. Giving it some thought, he said, yes, "I do love you." Kissing him softly on the lips, she replied. "I know and I love you too."


I'm still doing some of the songs some readers named. If you got a song you would like for me to turn into an imagine. Comment.

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