Chapter 4 Part 2

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The following day, its lunch and I'm hanging back with Max as he grumbles about Butch being called a hero. "Man. I can't believe everyone thinks that mouth-breather is some kind of hero." I shrugged as I drank my juice. "Yeah, you're overreacting Max. No one thinks he is-" Steel began before we were shoved out of the way. A girl with a blank sheet of paper is jogging over to Butch and my tray was knocked out of my hands and onto the floor. "Are you serious!?" I growled annoyed.

"Can I have your autograph Mr. Butch?" The girl asked. Butch glanced towards her with a smug grin. "Hey. My dad is Mr. Butch. You could call me Mr. Hero." Butch says, writing on the page. While the girl sighs in joy, I gagged. "And now I have no lunch. People don't appreciate food these days." I mumble. Max groans while Steel continued where he left off.

"Regardless, we have a bigger problem. My analysis of the fire indicates it was no accident. Someone set it." Steel stated. My eyes widened. "What? Who?" Max asked. "Someone with access to high-tech military-grade incendiaries." Steel continued. I figured Max was going to glance towards me but his gaze fell on Sydney as she sat down with Butch.

"Oh no." Max groaned. "Oh yes." Steel stated. "No. No I mean look." Max pointed out. "I can't look I'm in a backpack. Hello?" Steel said dryly. I stifled a laugh at Steel's comment but followed Max over to Butch's 'hero' table, as I'm calling it.

"Oh. Hey McGrath, L/n. What'll it be? Autograph? Lock of my hair?" Butch asked sarcastically. "Uh, Sydney? What are you doing?" Max asked. I sat down and glanced towards Steel as he lifted the backpack flap. "Having lunch with Butch. Why?" She asked.

"Um, but don't we usually have lunch?" Max asked. I groaned why I realized Max was jealous that Sydney was with Butch. 'Just notice me and stop chasing after her! Come on Max.' I thought.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd sit with Butch today." She answered. I glanced back towards Steel and he's jabbing Max in his leg. I pull my head down to Steel's level and notice the bomb under the table. I even ignored Max as I started trying to crawl under to disarm it. "I can't believe this." Max states.

"You also can't take a hint. Beat it McGrath." Butch says. I hit my head on the table just as the countdown reached zero. "Crud!" I groaned in pain, clutching my head. I tumble out from underneath as greenish gas was released. Max and I find each other's gaze as I was knocked out.

In my temporary (hopefully) slumber, I'm mentally beating myself up. I could've disarmed the bomb. I could've done something to do my dad proud. But nooooo. I had to be weak like everyone else and get knocked out but gas. Then I groaned with realization. Knockout Gas. Of fricking course. Steel should've analyzed the contents so I would've known the safest way to disarm it.

When the effects wore off, I'm on the floor, groaning like everyone else. And the sight of robots destroyed cause me to scramble up. I get a head-rush in response but I wobbled towards Max when I saw him sit down and sigh. I recognized the bots from the THI attack. When we first met.

But I tripped over a bot arm just as everyone started chanting Butch's name. "You've got to be kidding me. I wish I remembered who these bots belonged to." I mumbled, head laying next to a bot head. Max helps me up and I'm just whining in pain. First the fire, now robots? My luck sucks.

"This is so awesome! I love half days." Kirby exclaimed. "Yeah. If only killer robots would attack our cafeteria more often." Max jokes. I frowned while Max opened his backpack enough for Steel to talk to both of us.

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