Chapter 9

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Opening my eyes, I noticed I wasn't in my room anymore. Rather than my f/c covers, I was standing and a figure stood in front of me. A large and tall figure. And then I saw a second figure that looked more human sized. The two seemed to be having a conversation and by the way their expressions looked, both weren't in the greatest of moods.

I wasn't sure what to think about this until the sound of their voices reached my ears.

"There is no point in terrorizing the universe when all the inhabitants start to rebel! If you would listen to reason-"

"Enough! I will consume the universe as I was built to do so. If you are so keen on siding with them, then you too will bow down to me."

"Brother please! Even though you are linked, there are peaceful ways that can be used. The ultralinks should be using their abilities to assist other creatures. For example, there are two planets I've studied that have creatures who possess the ability to communicate. The first one is known as Takion. The inhabitants also possess a type of energy that can enhance their physical strength and speed. The second planet is known as Earth. Quite a mud-ball, but the inhabitants have had many wars over miniscule conflicts that could be easily solved through communication. The star systems are rather far from one another but it would be wise to befriend the inhabitants then invade."

"Takion sounds like an excellent planet that can provide power indefinitely. Where is this planet located?"

Even though the humanoid figure reluctantly gave the location to his large brother, I could tell that it wasn't to peacefully communicate with the residents of Takion. Actually, I was surprised that I was even seeing this take place.

The scene shifts and I see the humanoid again but with a flying robot thing. It looked similar to Steel but it was a navy blue with f/c highlights.

"Sir, it appears that the Takonians are resisting communication. Your brother has dismissed your suggestion and now peace is not an option. I recommend we assist the Takonians in escaping their planet." the flying robot states.

"It's already too late Zeta. He is a stubborn fool who allowed his own creation to link with him. Although he still views me as his brother, he will never truly be my brother after a millennia. The Takonians have a zero percent chance of survival should they escape on short notice. The last thing I wish to do is abandon my brother to protect the mud-ball planet. But he has given me no other choice. We leave when the AlphaLink starts the planet absorption phase and set course for Earth."

I'm at a loss of words as I attempt to process what was said. Planet absorption? Takion? And why was I seeing this?

Everything fades as I heard my phone ringing. Opening my eyes for real, I grab my phone and answer.


"Hey Y/n, How long until you're ready to head out? Syd and Kirby want us to meet them at the pier."

"Max, I just woke up from a strange dream. I'll be ready in a few minutes."

"Alright. I'll bring you breakfast and you can eat on the way."

"Talk to you later then."

"See ya."

Signing, I place my phone back onto my bedside table and sit up on my bed. My hair was messy and I debated on if I wanted to dress nice for Max after the rough time I gave him. Eventually, I decided to dress in a f/c shirt with high waisted jeans and converse sneakers. Once I was satisfied with my overall look, I grabbed my bag and left the apartment to find Max at the bottom entrance. And in his hand was a brown paper bag from the Sweetstone Cafe.

Two Energies, One Spark (Max Steel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now