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I was so happy to return to Tulsa for my Jr. Year of high school. I loved Tulsa and all of the greasers there. My dad owns a paving company so we moved to Iowa for his work. Even though I was happy to go back to Tulsa Ponyboy would be the only one at school since most of them dropped out and Darry graduated school a few years ago. Pony was still two grades below me but I guess it was better than no one. My parents would never allow me to drop out they think school is important and in some ways I agree with them but it can also be hell. I was sad I couldn't be there for Dal, he was a really good friend of mine and saying goodbye and not being able to say hello again was hard. Johnny seemed nice and was when I talked to him but that was rare he didn't talk much. I brought in boxes that packed my small bedroom. I think that's everything Alaina my mom said. okay I'm gonna go walk around and go see some people okay just don't be too late. I won't mom. I grabbed my leather jacket it was cool for October but I didn't mind. I was going to see Darry, for quite a bit older we were pretty close. I remembered by heart how to get to their house. I stepped onto the squeaky porch steps and knocked on they door. Come in I heard Darry yell, I slowly opened the door. he must have been in the kitchen. Um is this the house of Darrel Curtis?
Yes it is he said rushing out into the living room wiping his hands on a dish towel. what can I help you- Alaina!? Hi Darry.
Oh my god you're back, how are you? He said throwing the towel on the chair so he could hug me.
I'm doing good, I just moved back here.
That's fantastic have yo gone by to see anyone else yet? Nope you're the first
So are you going to school here?
Yeah I start Friday. that's real good Alaina.
It's really good to be back, well I just wanted to stop and say hi.
Yeah it's good seeing you kido stop by anytime and I know Steve and Soda are still working if you wanted to see them.
Oh yeah of course that's my next stop the DX. I should get going.
bye Alaina
Bye Dar.
I walked over to the DX to see Steve and Soda. soda was filling the gas tank of a 1952 blue mustang and Steve was under a Chevy pickup. I casually walked over to Soda.
It took him a minute to realize it was me. I saw Steve look up. Soda smiled. oh my god, Alaina your back Soda yelled with joy. Lanie I heard Steve say under his breath.
I would hug you but I'm a gross.l Soda said.
Oh I don't mind I wrapped my arms around him. I turned around to see Steve standing there.
hey Lanie.
Hey I threw my arms around him.
I had known Steve forever, since I could remember we always played together as kids. he kissed my head.
God I never thought I would see you again.
Well I'm back for good. I should let you get back to work but I wanted to see you guys.
Well Steve and I are glad to see you Soda said.
I waved goodbye and started to head back before it got too dark. Steve caught up to me before I got to far.
Lanie, are you doing anything Friday night? I have nothing planned why? Do you wanna come over? I'd love to, I hugged him goodbye and he ran back to where Soda was.

What were you planning a date night? Soda joked. Steve blushed no, but she's back Soda she's really back. Soda never saw Steve like that unless Alaina was around or people were talking about her. Soda knew Steve really liked Alaina and always would.

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