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 English was a drag. Kadence just wrote for a while. She sat in front of me and I sat next to Alan. We talked for a while and he’s actually pretty cool. He’s on the soccer team. I’m not sure exactly what Kade was writing down since we didn’t have to take any notes. I glanced over her shoulder to see her writing a letter again. I guess she really missed her father. I wondered why he never came and visited from Texas. All this time she’s been writing him, I’ve never seen her receive a letter back. It was just strange. The day was half over now, and Kade said she’d meet me in the lunch room. I stopped at my locker to put my books away and headed towards the lunch room. A girl stopped me before I walked in. She was decent looking, I guess.

“Hey, handsome. Want to go to nearby closet?” she said pulling my collar. I moved her hands away and said, “No thanks, I’m meeting someone,” and walked away. Am I a whore magnet, or what?

I made my way to the lunch line and looked around. Kade wasn’t here yet so I figured I’d get some lunch. I got two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and waters. As I turned to pay for our lunch I spotted Kade standing at a table and talking to some guy. They shook hands which meant they had just met. He leaned down and kissed her hand and she raised her eyes brows, unimpressed. I made my way over to Kade and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her to my chest and kissing her softly on the lips. She was surprised at first but kissed back after a moment.

“Hey, baby. Who’s this?” I said looking the guy she was talking to up and down. He looked a bit scared. She gave me the ‘what-the-fuck-are-you-doing’ look and I just smirked back at her. 

“Uh, I’m Ryan,” he answered shifting his feet around nervously.

“Were you bothering my girlfriend?” 

“No, man, no!” he said putting his hands up. “I didn’t know she was your girlfriend, man, honestly!” he said before walking away quickly.

I laughed when he walked out of the lunch room. Kade spun around to face me.

“Why did you do that?” She tried to look angry but couldn’t control the smile forming on her face. She broke out in laughter and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug.

“Thank you for saving me from that,” she whispered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

“And how are you going to repay me?” I said with a smile clear in my voice. She bit my earlobe lightly and I moaned into her neck.

“Use you imagination,” she whispered before pulling away and sitting down at the table.

“You didn’t have to get me lunch, y’know”

“A boyfriend always pays for his girlfriends lunch,” I said with a wink. I’d play this out for a while, knowing it would annoy the shit out of Kade.

“I’m not your girlfriend, Car,” she answered plainly.

“I know, but it’s fun to pretend. Now eat up, kiddo”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, but bit into her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

Lily and Alan approached us. They looked so happy together. Except for all the sluts trying to jump my bones, this school really was a nice place. Even the teachers were nice. I was actually thinking about joining a team. Maybe soccer. I realized that they were walking with someone else. It looked like the guy from the party about a month ago. Chris, I think his name was. 

“Hey guys,” Kade said taking a sip of her water.

They all said hello to Kade and I and sat down. 

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