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I woke up in the early afternoon to the sound of pigeons feet on my air conditioner. I got up and stretched as I walked wearily into the bathroom. Last night had been quite a scare. I had a great time with Carter, and towards the end of the night, we almost kissed. Until my mother interrupted; or her sleep talking, I should say. She screamed “Kade?” followed by “Don’t touch those chickens! We don’t have time for this!” 

Me and Carter only laughed and walked back to my room. He left for his room and I turned on the lights, not really tired at all. I wondered if I should make it seem as if I was asleep, but I had nothing to hide. I took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a letter. I put it into an envelope, addressed and stamped it and put it down on my desk. I planned on mailing it sometime soon. There was no point, of course. He was gone; he wasn’t coming back. But I did it anyways. 

About last night, I’m not sure what exactly happened. One moment I was smoking a cigarette on my kitchen counter, just thinking and the next, Carter was in between my leg, his lips centimeters from mine. He was about to kiss me, I could tell. I didn’t fight it. But, really, what can I say? Maybe it was a sign. I’ve got enough on my plate right now. I’d rather have him as a friend, anyways. His eyes looked innocent, but something told me that was all a game, a mask.


I had been awake for a while, thinking about the night before. Kadence and I, we almost kissed. Not to mention I nearly had a heart attack when I heard her mother’s sleep talking. I thought we’d end up sleeping together and I was looking forward to it. But that didn’t happen. The night ended nicely, none the less. We went back to her room and she told me she was really tired. So, I went home and what Kadence did for the rest of the night was a mystery to me. Her lights were on and I don’t think she cared if I knew she wasn’t going to bed like she told me she would. Maybe she just wanted to get rid of me, maybe she didn’t want to kiss at all. Kadence, she puzzles me. Every girl wanted me back home. I was the average teenage girls wet dream. But now, I feel utterly inadequate. As if Kadence would rather be doing something else than be in my presence at all. 

What are you saying, Car? You’re irresistible. And this whole ‘I’m super sensitive and love watching movies with you’ thing you’ve got going has never failed. No girl can resist, not even Kadence. 

For a moment, my mind fluttered over to Clarissa. I had genuinely liked her. She was a sweet girl and did whatever I asked whenever I asked. She wasn’t much of a challenge. But Kadence, I could tell, would not be easy. She would be my greatest victory. I had a feeling the next few months would be interesting, to say the least.

I took a shower, got dressed and headed over to Kadence’s room. I climbed over the balcony slowly. The air was soft and if wasn’t very windy. The sun wasn’t out but the day still had a nice, bright feel to it. I peeked into Kadence’s room to make sure I wasn’t intruding. She had music playing and I recognized the song immediately. 

“I am convinced that we could be friends.

We have several interests in common, in common.

And I am convinced that we have been friends,

Were you a tahitian grain of sand, in a past life?

Please don’t put your face into your hands, we could be friends.

Please don’t put your face into your hands, we could be friends”

She swayed to the music, humming to herself. Kadence looked angelic, like she could fly off at any moment. She spun on her toes and shut her eyes. She wore a large, navy blue t-shirt that came up just above her knee and a pair of long, black socks.

“And I am convinced that we should be friends.

We compare our hearts to things that fly but cannot land”

She turned, seeing me watching her. Her facial expression didn’t change as she continued to sway for a moment and then open the balcony door for me. 

“Do come in,” she said with a smile. 

I smiled back and stepped into her room. 

“Good morning. I like that song. We Could Be Friends by Freelance Whales, right?” I was surprised that she knew that song. I was sure nobody did. It was a bit too girly for me to share with my friends back home and Clarissa never did like me sensitive. She wanted me to be rough with her, always.

“Yes," she said as she made her bed. Once she was finished, she sat down on her bed and crossed her legs.

“Did you enjoy the show?” she said smirking. Kadence knew I had been watching her dance, and she danced anyways.

I smirked back and looked around her room, thinking of something clever to say.

“I can’t say I didn’t," I said as I stepped closer to her. The sun had finally come out and a ray of it shined over her face. She squinted at the brightness, but did not move.

“I was hoping maybe we could hang out today. I’ve got absolutely nothing to do," I said with a pout. I could tell she wasn’t eager. I wondered if she liked being alone all the time.

“I was planning to stay home most of the day. I’ve got a few things to get done, but you’re welcome to join me,” she said as she stood up. Kadence stretched her neck and raised her arms above her head. The dress came up a bit, now showing the tops of her thighs. I stared, not at all ashamed. Her skin looked so soft, like silk. As I looked back up to her eyes, they were staring back at me, a devilish smirk on her face.  I could tell she had me figured out.

“I’d love to," I answered. This would be my chance.

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