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I still felt drunk as I held onto the shower wall and let the hot water run over my head. The tequila really got to me and memories of Carter scaring Chris off flooded my mind. I moaned in frustration. I finished my shower quickly and squeezed the excess water out of my hair. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a big, fluffy white towel. I slipped back into my bra and thong. I opened the bathroom door and steam came flooding out. Car was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged and began to look around the room for something to wear to sleep. I wasn’t skeptical about sleeping over at Car’s house. He was a friend and I was strangely comfortable around him. I heard a shuffling sound coming from the kitchen. 

“Car? Can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” I said loudly enough for him to hear. As I stepped closer to his dresser, I nearly tripped. My head was spinning; from the large amounts of tequila I’d downed at the party, no doubt. I was surprised I hand’t had the feeling to throw up yet. 

“Yeah, sure, go ahead. Just grab whichever,” he yelled back. 

I made my way over to his dresser and opened the first draw. Briefs; wrong draw. I opened the second to find neatly folded button down shirts. Jackpot. I took out a dark green plaid button down and slipped my arms into it’s long sleeves. It was huge on me. I  heard footsteps coming towards the room and I turned to see Carter walking and looking into the screen of his phone, he looked up briefly and then back down to his phone. He looked up again and his eyes widened as he looked me up and down. I buttoned the shirt and looked back up to Carter. 

“Bed time,” I said with a drunken smile. I got into his bed and pulled the covers over myself.

He coughed, “It sure is. Um, I’ll sleep on the chair,” he said pointing over to the big arm chair on the other side of the room. He pulled off his jeans and t-shirt. I looked him over slowly. Car was absolutely gorgeous and I started to remember nearly having ripped all his clothes off on our way home. He got into the chair and propped himself up into an uncomfortable looking position. He turned off the lights and the room went silent.

“Car. This is your room, and your bed. Get into the bed”

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable”

“Don’t worry, I’m a big girl,” I said with a drunken giggle.

He sighed and I heard shuffling in the dark room. The covers were pulled up and I felt Car get in next to me. My eyes finally adjusted in the dark and I turned to face him. He was staring at the ceiling nervously.

“You look nervous”

“I’m not nervous,” he snapped back. “Why would I be nervous?”

“I don’t know, why would you?” I asked as I slipped my hand over his chest, placing it on his hip. I traced circles with the tips of my fingers.

He closed his eyes tight.

“Are you always this horny when you’re drunk?”

“Not usually,” I said with a sigh. I knew Car wasn’t trying anything only because I was drunk. And that was very nice of him, I guess. But I was to tired and tipsy to care.

“Goodnight, Kade”

“Mm, Goodnight Car,” I said as I closed my eyes and snuggled up to him, putting my head on his chest. He wrapped and arm around my shoulder and I fell into a deep sleep.

- - -

My eyes shot open and I immediately realized I wasn’t in my room. This room was a light green color and didn’t have many pictures up. I felt something stir beneath me and I looked down to see a beautifully sculpted chest. I tried to think about what happened last night but nothing came to mind expect a splitting headache. I groaned and got up slowly. There was Car, sleeping half naked with a peaceful look on his face. I immediately began to panic. What the fuck did I do last night?

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