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 The girl I’d accidentally bumped into while following Kade pulled me aside and started talking non-stop. Now usually I would just tell her to screw off or something, but it was an interesting opportunity. Me speaking to the girl would make Kade jealous, of course. As I listened to the girl talk and talk, I saw Kade talking to some guy and smoking a cigarette. The smoke fled from her lips so perfectly. Ugh, snap out of it, Car. She looked over at me. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled down at Anna, telling her how pretty she looked tonight. She blushed and giggled and I winked at her. She began to talk again. I wasn’t sure what she said because my eyes were glued on Kadence and some guy grinding on the dance floor. She moved beautifully and the guy had his hands on her hips. A terrible feeling of rage overcame me and I walked away from Anna mid sentence. I could tell Kade saw me coming because a look of worry ran over her pretty face. I couldn’t let her see how utterly jealous I was. As I got closer and closer, I relaxed myself and approached Kade’s dance partner. 

“Hey man, can I cut in?” I asked politely, my voice steady.

Kade’s eyes shot up at me and she narrowed them angrily. I winked.

“Sure. See you later Kade. I guess we’ll have to postpone tonight. Looks like loverboy here is going to kill me if I lay another hand on you,” he said looking over at me. I realized that my hands were in fists again and I cursed under my breath. 

Wait, tonight? Did they have plans or something?

“What? No, he’s not. Chris, there’s nothing going on between me and Carter,” she said coldly. I felt a sting in my chest but pushed it away. “Right, Car?” she said turning to me. I didn’t answer.

“Kade, come on. Obviously this guy likes you. It’s totally obvious. He’s been staring at you dance all night,” Chris said with a chuckle. “See you later, babe,” he said to Kade with a wink. I wanted to punch him right then and there. 

Kadence had her mouth wide open as Chris walked away. She closed it and frowned at me, furrowing her eyebrows in anger. 

“Now, why would you go and do that? You do know what you just did, don’t you?” she said clenching her teeth and folding her arms over her chest.

I pulled her arms apart and put them around my neck. I placed my hands on her hips softly and swayed us to the music. 

“I wanted to dance with the most beautiful girl at the party,” I said with a smile. 

“You just ruined my plans for tonight, Carter,” she said with a weary sigh.

“What plans?” I asked curiously as I tightened my grip on her hips.

She opened her mouth but then closed it, not answering me.

“He’s not good enough for you, y’know”

“I wasn’t planning on making him my boyfriend. It’s just sex, Carter,” she said a glare. Her face softened though and she looked sad for a moment. “I’m sure you know plenty about casual sex, don’t you Car?” The thought of her with some other guy disgusted me. I couldn’t imagine any touching that amazing body other than me.

“I can’t say I don’t,” I answered cryptically.  

“Oh, you’ve got plenty of experience. I can tell,” she said with a smirk.

“How can you tell exactly?” I asked as I pulled her closer to me, closing the small space between us.

“The way you talk, the way you walk. I know a player when I see one”

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