Cellmates {Enzo St. John}

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{TDVU Imagine}

(A/n: Apologies for the late of updates! I wrote this one a while ago and only just finished it. Hope you enjoy! And make sure to check out my new Enemies to Lovers book!)


Y/n couldn't see anytime but a dark concrete floor. She currently had what felt like gallons of vervain in her system, making her too weak to do anything. She could barely pick her head up to see them throw her into a cell because the next thing she hit was the cold and hard floor.

"Ughhh," she groaned, feeling her head hit the floor. She just barely picked her arms up and adjusted herself against the wall. "Where the hell am I?"

"Welcome to Augustine gorgeous," a male voice said from beside her. There wasn't much light, but staring really hard, she was able to make out a shadow in the cell next to her.

"Join the party, because it's just heavenly," another voice said with sarcasm.

"What the hell is Augustine and why am I here?" she rubbed her eyes to try and get a better look at the stranger.

"Cause you're a vampire love that's why. Augustine is a secret society that performs unbearable tests and experiments on our kind and you're going to be here a while." The first vampire with an English accent answered, moving closer to her cell.

"My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Enzo." Enzo introduced, coming into the light and sticking his hand in between the bars, offering a handshake. Y/n just looked at him and turned her head. She of course noticed his breathtaking features, he had longer, darker hair, about down to his ears. His facial hair was nothing but stubble and she was able to see his eyes, a nice, calming, chocolate brown. His white shirt was covered in bloodstains and sweat, something she was automatically curious about.

But nothing could distract her in the state she was in. She was completely terrified, wondering when she would get out of there and back to her friends, her family. The only family she ever knew and she was ripped away from them. "I need to see my family, they need to know where I am."

"Can't do that, you're stuck here for the rest of your miserable life," the other vampire holler, sending Y/n a questionable look.

"That my dear, is another cellmate, goes by that name Damon Salvatore," Enzo stated, answering her question. "As unbearable as he is, he's all we've got in here, so get used to it."

"How long have you been here?" she asked, curious to know more about where she was.

"Seventy-three years to be exact love, Damon just recently arrived 3 years ago."

"Believe me, there is more to this hellhole than you think," Damon added on.

"I- I feel so, thirsty." Y/n placed her hand on her throat, wondering when the last time she had drank anything was.

"I'm afraid that that's a problem I can't solve with my good looks," Enzo said, looking at her with concern. He felt the weird need to sympathizes the new Augustine vampire, and he didn't know why, however, his comment did make her smile a little, which was something that they didn't see often down there. "They only give us enough to keep us alive but still weak, which isn't enough at all. Delivered to us in small shot glasses are our rations for the day, nevermore, never less."

Just as Enzo was about to explain Augustine more to Y/n, a man in a suit came to the entrance of his cell and unlocked it with a key, opening the door.

"Get up!" He said with a stern tone.

"Ahh, my ride's here," he smirked. "I'll be back in a little bit Luv, in the meantime, talk to Damon, I'm sure he'd love to share his interesting life story with you." Enzo stood up and walked toward the man with no problem at all. Y/n wondered that if this place was so bad, then why didn't they try to fight it. She watched as he disappeared into the dark hall, with his hands bound in front of him.


The sound of something hitting the hard floor had woken her up. She jolted awake and immediately looked to her left only to find a tried Enzo laying on the floor.

"Oh my god, what happened to you?" she asked out of curiosity and panic.

"I told you Y/n, they perform nasty and unbearable experiments on us all." He groaned, pushing himself up so he could look at her while he talked. Y/n became mortified by seeing that there was even more blood on his shirt. There was blood stained down his cheek that came from his right eye and he had a nice gash on his chest, his shirt catching the neverending blood.

"Relax darling, it'll heal with time," he attempted to reassure her. Having heightened emotions was a downside to her when it came to being a vampire because all she could feel was overwhelming fear and anxiety. If things couldn't get any worse, a woman that looked to be in her late 20's came over to her cell, turning the lock and opening it.

"No, no, no, no, please, no!" she panicked. Unable to have the strength to fight her off, the women brought two men into the cell to pick her up by her arms, carrying her out and down the hall. Enzo shot her what seemed to be a sympathetic look before she disappeared behind the wall.


Enzo sat at the corner of his cell that was next to hers. He drug his fingers along the old metal bars, awaiting her return. For the time being, he was cursed with hearing her screams of being in excruciation for the next few hours.

It was always hard hearing the agonizing screams of the newbies, but it was something he could normally get used to. Hearing Y/n's screams were a different story. From his first impression of her, it seemed like she could be new to being a vampire.

With every slice, her screams grew louder, making Enzo flinch just the slightest.


She could feel the cold metal against her skin. She could feel the blood trickle down from her neck.

"Interesting," one man in a white coat nodded, scribbling a note on a clipboard. He then set it down and grabbed a needle filled with an unknown serum. "This might just pinch a bit," he mumbled before sticking it in Y/n's arm. She only felt a small prick before she felt a great rush of pain course through her veins.

She knew her screams were heard throughout the facility, but she couldn't contain it. Her urge to cry out was just too strong.

It took hours before her arms and legs were freed from the table. The new vamp could feel her limp body being picked up and carried out the door, into the cool hallway. She felt dizzy, weak, and helpless. But most of all, Y/n was exhausted. She heard the metal bars of her cell creek open before feeling the cold, hard, concrete underneath of her once again. The cell was slammed shut before the men in white coats took another vampire from a neighboring cell.

She heard shuffling from the cell next to her. Although the girl knew who it was, she was too drained to even raise her head from the floor. She could see the blur of a man behind the bars and a shot glass that seemed to be full with some kind of liquid before passing out.

"Poor girl, she'll just have to get used to this," Enzo said to Damon from his cell.

Damon shuffled in his cell before answering, "Unfortunately, yes, she will." 

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