Here Now {Gally}

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{TMR imagine}

(A/n: This takes place during The Death Cure and includes a flashback from The first Maze Runner movie. I wrote the beginning based on memory, so I don't remember if Brenda and Newt were in the same van or not. Hope you enjoy it though!)


Y/n stepped out of the back of the van with Brenda and Newt, scared out of her mind, wondering what was going on. She noticed Thomas' struggle as well since he wasn't taking his new surroundings lightly. He was freaking out and blurting out questions left and right, also scared out of his mind.

They were all surrounded by men that looked like they worked for W.I.C.K.E.D. They all had guns in their hands, aiming at Y/n and her friends. One man grabbed Thomas by the arms to try and calm him down.

"Everybody just chill out, okay? We're all on the same side here." One guy said, standing in front of the group.

"Okay, what do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?!" Thomas insisted, yanking his arms from the guard, stepping towards the guy that was talking.

The guy that stood before them observed the group of teens they had just saved. Y/n could hear him breathing from the mask on his face. After a long pause, he had removed it, revealing someone that she never thought she'd ever see again. She felt a huge lump in her throat, unable to speak due to how overwhelmed she was feeling. Seeing his face only brought back her last ever memory of him, an extremely upsetting memory that she had longed to forget.


"We can't leave." Gally shook his head as he cried, standing before the guys and the two girls who were just about to make the exit. Y/n stood between Thomas and Teresa, tears beginning to run down her face as she looked at the once happy boy before her. His right hand was shaky as he held a gun in it, the left side of his neck displaying that the sting was only getting worse.

Thomas raised his arms in front of him, just enough to show Gally that he was not a threat. "We did Gally, we're out," he attempted to reassure him. "We're free."

"Free?" Gally asked, looking around the room. "You think we're free out there?" he shook his head and slowly raised the gun to Thomas. "No, no there's no escape from this place." This caused Thomas to put his hands up more as Y/n stepped out from behind him.

Shaky sobs had taken over Gally as he still had the gun pointed at Thomas. Y/n slowly put her hands up as well, trying to talk to Gally in a soft tone. "Gal, Gal look at me, you're not thinking straight, you're not. Now we can help you, Thomas can help you. Gally all you have to do is put down the gun, okay? For me."

It was very difficult for her to keep herself partially together as she looked her former boyfriend in the eyes, only to see pain and sadness.

"I belong to the maze." He said aloud, cocking the gun.

"Just put the gun down," Thomas insisted quickly.

"We all do!" He shouted before pulling the trigger. What was to happen next was almost a blur, but it was also indented in her mind forever. As they all shouted Gally's name in fear, he pulled the trigger, aiming for Thomas, only for Chuck to jump in front of the bullet. At the same time, however, Minho had thrown a pole at Gally, hitting him right in the shoulder, knocking him to the ground.

They all watched as Gally gasped for air, struggling to breathe at all. Y/n put a hand over her mouth in shock before letting out a loud and violent scream as he fell to the ground. All of the other Gladers knew how important Gally and Y/n were to each other. They completed one another, there was no denying that. Before she had arrived in the Glade, Gally wasn't all that welcoming to anyone. He was tough and had built walls to protect himself. Sure he trusted the other Gladers, but he wasn't too open to have a conversation with any of them, it was just to survive, this is, until the day Y/n arrived in the box.

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