Together Always {Stiles Stilinski}

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{TWU Imagine}


"Beep beep!" sounded a familiar jeep's horn from outside of Y/n's house. She was just gathering her last few things when her cell phone began to ring. Picking it up, she read the name and hit the answer button.

"Calm down Stilinski," she chuckled, "I'm almost ready, I just need to put my books in my bag and-"

"Yada yada ya, just get your ass out the door. I wanna beat Scott there again," he smiled into the phone, messing with his seat belt.

"He has a bike genius, I'm pretty sure we kick his ass every day," she responded while shoving the last notebook in her bag and zipping it up. She began walking down the stairs and towards her front door.

"Are you almost ready? Jesus, I swear girls take forever." he groaned while hearing her laugh on the other end.

"Hey, smart guy. I'm on my porch and walking to your car, look up," she said before hanging up. Stiles looked up from his phone that had clumsily fallen into his lap and saw his best friend, Y/n, jogging to his jeep. He didn't pay much attention to it, but if Scott were here, he'd be hearing Stiles' heart rate speed up a little.

He leaned over and opened the door just like he did every other morning and she hoped in. She was quick to fasten her seat belt before he started driving or swerving rather.


"Jesus christ Stilinski for the tenth time, you don't go 60 in a 30! Isn't your dad the sheriff?" she lectured 10 minutes into the drive. This only caused Stiles to laugh at her attempt to tell him how to drive.

"If you're so good at telling me how to drive, then why don't you take the wheel? Oh wait, you can't, because someone hasn't even taken the test yet," he teased, making Y/n blush from embarrassment.

"Fine, but when I do take the test," she pointed out, "and I pass, you will know what proper driving looks like my friend." Both sophomores laughed at their own jokes until they pulled into the school parking lot. Stiles passed in front of the school to get to a parking space when he and Y/n saw Scott McCall at the bike rack.

"Damn it, I told you he'd beat us here." he pointed out, pulling into an empty spot.

"No, technically, you said that you want to beat him here and I said he has a bike genius, I'm pretty sure we kick his ass every day." she innocently smiled.

"Okay smart ass, get out," he sighed, hitting the unlock button, leaning over and opening her door. She stuck her tongue out at him as she stepped out of the car and grabbed her bag, shutting the door behind her. Y/n didn't even wait for him before she walked to the entrance to meet up with Scott.

"Hey Scotty," she greeted, ruffling his floppy hair.

"What do you know, I actually beat you guys this time," he smiled, proud of himself.

"Well, we would've beaten your ass here if someone didn't take forever to get out the door." Stiles interrupted their conversation by rushing up behind them and throwing his arm around her shoulders like he did every other day.

"Oh shut your trap Stilinski!" she joked, playfully pushing his face. "Let's get to class before coach benches one of you." Stiles kept his one arm around Y/n and threw his other one around Scott before they walked into the building.


The lunchroom was insanely crowded but Y/n managed to find their usual table by the window. She sat down with her lunch tray and picked up her sandwich. She was about to take a bite out of it when someone snatched it right from her hands.

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