Passion Fruit

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"Naruto? Hey." I greet, "My father and I just arrived at the restaurant. You coming?"

My boyfriend lets out an exasperated sigh, "Unfortunately, yes. I'll be leaving to go soon."

"You know where it is, right?"

"Yup!" He replies cheerfully, "Oh! And call me Naruko. Hinata came up with it."

"Naruko..." I let the name roll off my tongue, "Okay, I got it."

"A-And... don't bully me for wearing a skirt!" Naruto sputters over the phone, probably with an adorable red face.

"You're wearing a skirt?" I smirk as I say that, "Hot."

"Shut up!" He scolds me, "You better not pull any of that perverted crap when I get over there!"

"No promises~"

"I'm hanging up now!" Naruto declares, ending the call soon after.

He's so cute.

I pull the phone away from my ear, sliding it into my pocket. My father, who stands next to me, eyes me with conviction. Fugaku is his name, though I'm not allowed to address him as such.

"So you weren't bluffing, I suppose." He inquires.

"Bluffing about what?"

"Your girlfriend. I assumed you made her up to deceive me." Fugaku surmises, "But I was wrong. It seems that you do, indeed, have a girlfriend."

My eyes squint, "You doubted me? Why would I ever attempt to do something so childish? Of course, she exists."

"For your sake, I hope she meets up to my expectations. I wouldn't want to be the cruel parent that separates their child from their lover. But that may have to be arranged if they aren't suitable for someone of such high prestige like yourself." He threatens me shallowly.

In other words, Naruto better earn my father's approval or we're both screwed.

"Are you worried?" Fugaku questions.

"No," I reply, staring at the street blankly.

Why would I be worried? Naruto is very likable. I'm confident in his ability.

Ten minutes pass and my father and I are trapped in a cutthroat silence. Despite haven't seen him for nearly four years, we seem to have nothing to talk to each other about. Not that I want to talk to him.

Fugaku breaks the ice, "How's your brother?"

Now you care? You didn't even bother to see him off when he left for the city two years ago. Apparently, he had an urgent work matter to attend to, but I think that he was too much of a coward to see the son he didn't raise go off on his own.

"He's doing fine."

"That's it? Just fine? Does he have a wife yet?" Fugaku puzzles.

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