Bonus 1: Twinkie

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"Ugh. You guys are so lovey-dovey that it's giving me cavities." Deidara groans at the breakfast table, stilly picking at his pancakes.

Sasuke and I sit at the breakfast table too, a serving of banana pancakes plated in front of us to share. Currently, I'm cutting off pieces of the pancake with my fork and feeding it to Sasuke. He has his mouth open, ready to eat the pancake but I lower my hand at Deidara's words.

"It's only been a week since you guys came over and I'm already exhausted watching you two together..." Deidara sighs with his elbows propped up on the table, "You're both so... in love."

Itachi, who is sitting next to Deidara, chimes in, "Aww. Do you want me to feed you, honey?"


My face lights up a bit and I weakly hover my hand with the pancake in the air, syrup dripping onto the plate. Sasuke still patiently waits for me to feed him, keeping his eyes glued to the banana pancake.

"Oh... I-I'm sorry. Is it making you uncomfortable?" I smile sheepishly.

"Yes." He says without hesitation but quickly follows up after he sees my expression drop, "But... I guess it's alright."

"Cut them some slack, Dei." Itachi stabs his pancakes and shoved the piece in his mouth, "I think it's cute. They're only kids."

"Excuse me, but seventeen is not a kid." He straightens his posture in his chair, "Just... an immature adult."

Sasuke still waits for me to put the fork in his mouth, completely ignoring our conversation.

Itachi raises his eyebrows, "You consider yourself an immature adult when you were seventeen?"

"W-Well..." He pouts and places his utensils down, "...No."

"See?" He chuckles, "Just let them have their fun. What's the harm? They'll stop being lovey-dovey eventually, just like we did."

"We were never lovey-dovey." Deidara mumbles.

"Ah, now that's where you're wrong. Do you want me to remind you of that time that we went out with our friends after we moved in?" Itachi brings up with a condescending smile.

Deidara looks at him strangely before a realization hits him, "Wait! Don't you dare say shit about that! I was drunk!"

"What happened?" I ask curiously, gesturing with my fork. Sasuke frowns.

Itachi clears his throat, "Well, it all happened the day we moved into our first apartment here in the city. Our city friends wanted to take us to a bar to celebrate and—"

"Shut up!" Deidara interrupts him, slamming his hand on his mouth.

Itachi flicks his onyx eyes over to him and Deidara goes silent under the stare. They hold that eye contact for a few seconds and Deidara slowly removes his hand with a blush.

Itachi smiles, dropping whatever menacing expression he was wearing before, "So, we went to bar with our friends and ordered a shit ton of beer to celebrate. Deidara just kept chugging glass after glass down, and he quickly became drunk."

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