Butter Brickle

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TW: Sexual Assault and Blood.

These stupid dreams seem to never end. They reveal my inner doubts about my relationship with Sasuke. No matter how many times I have them, I never seem to notice I'm dreaming until it's over. I'm always tricked into thinking the events in my dreams are real because of my own mind. It's infuriating.

The dreams always have a specific structure to them. Everything's normal, until... it's not. Sasuke begins to act cold or distant with me, leading up to a loud and frightening confrontation between us. It's usually about how I'm a burden to him or how he could be so successful if I didn't shackle him down.

I know. Sasuke would never say those things to me. Though, I can't shake the feeling that all those doubts crowding my mind are right in a way. I am a burden to Sasuke. There's no denying that. I just hope that Sasuke doesn't see me that way. I sure don't. He's the complete opposite of a burden to me; I practically live for him.

I want these dreams to go away. I want to have full confidence and trust between Sasuke and I. That's why I must never tell him about these dreams.

The thing is, my dreams persist whenever I fall asleep. It never fails.

I flutter my lashes open and blurry tears cloud my vision of the living room ceiling. My cheeks are cold and drenched with salty tear streaks. Bring my hand to my face and wipe the remaining tears that slip through my sunken eyes, sitting up on the couch.

I must've fallen asleep on Miko-chan's couch again. Of course, this nap was accompanied by another one of those terrible dreams.

A large headache develops in my temple and I groan out in annoyance, pinching my nose bridge to rid the pain.

This dream was flat-out ridiculous and completely unlikely. Yet, I gullibly believed it to be reality, like always.

Sasuke had confessed to me that he's leaving me for Sakura in the dream. He went on to emphasize how he would work for his dad's company and have Sakura bear all the necessary heirs. The dream itself was so nonsensical... but... it still hurt me.

That could happen, ya know. Maybe not with Sakura, but Sasuke could realize that he's better off working for his father overseas than stay with me. I wouldn't blame him if he did that. He would even have a shot at having children with a wife. A future like that seems much better for one that is filled with money issues and... me.

I lift my knees up and bury my head in them, trying to ward off the tears that continue to stream down my face.

It's been a month since I've gone 'missing' in our little village. I've gotten used to staying here with Miko-chan and seeing Sasuke when he comes back from school. The cops, while diligently looking for me, haven't gotten any major leads. I'm in the clear, for now.

Miko-chan is so sweet and forgiving of me. I really do love spending time with her here. Though, I do wonder when it will end. When Sasuke saves up enough money from all the jobs he's been working and we can run away.

For now, I'll have to wait. I wish I could help somehow, but all I've accomplished during this month is learn how to be a 'housewife'. Sasuke likes to call me that after he saw me learning all of his mother's hobbies. I don't like it. I don't wanna be sitting on my ass knitting all day. I want to work and earn money!

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