Toasted Coconut

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He looks so... peaceful.

I gaze at Sasuke's sleeping face and smile. I cup his cheeks and brush his skin with my thumb.

"I gotta go now, Sasuke..." I whisper under my breath.

I kiss him on the forehead, his eyebrows knitting in his sleep, "See you later. Sleep well."

I slide off the bed and pick up my clothes. I put on one of Sasuke's shirts in replacement for my tattered sweater. Once I'm dressed, I walk over to the mirror and check out my appearance.

Oh my! I'm covered in marks!

I position the oversized shirt to hide the blemishes, blushing at the memories behind them. He's going to have to stop marking me. It's going to cause problems if anyone were to see.

I turn back to the bed and sit next to Sasuke. Payback time! I slide the blanket down his chest, revealing his chiseled upper body. He doesn't have a single mark on him!

Sasuke's chest rises and falls with every breath he takes. I slowly move on top of his lap and lace his fingers in mine. I lean down and press a tender kiss on his chest, fluttering my eyes shut.

My delicate kiss develops harshly when I start sucking his skin through my teeth. Sasuke hums in his sleep, my plump lips creating a red blur on his pale skin. I retract with a pop, grinning at my mark mischievously. Now we're the same.

I lick my lips and press my more kisses all over his body, leaving many hickeys and marks behind. I top it all off with a bite to his shoulder, a pink love bite indented on his skin. That should do it.

I slide off his lap satisfied and cover him back up with the blanket. He's in for a surprise when he wakes up.

"I'm leaving now. Wish me luck, Sasu..." I mumble, kissing his cheek.

I back away, my hand slipping out of his palm. Before I can get away completely, I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"Wah!" I yelp in surprise, the hand dragging me back onto the bed.

I land right next to Sasuke, his hunky arms wrapped around me and cuddling me close.

"Don't leave yet." He tells me in a groggy voice, "Stay a little longer..."

I flush and hug his arms, "I-I have to go. My parents will wake up soon and they'll check on m-me. I have to be there."

"They can wait." He shares, snuggling his head in the crook of my neck, "Stay with me."

I giggle, "You're such a baby. I'll see you again at work later today."

"No." He mopes stubbornly, hugging me tightly.

"I'm serious. I actually have to go." I inform him.

"Five more minutes."

I chuckle, "Fine."

It just dawned on me that we'll have to earn half of our money back. If that isn't pressure enough, my parents are threatening to get me married off to Hinata.

I thought we were going to be able to avoid that situation when Sasuke said that we had enough money to leave. Now, we're back at square one with half the amount of funds and a major problem to fix. At least we have Sakura's guaranteed silence... for now.

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