Toffee Crunch

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I clench my fist and my body shakes in anger. Every time she makes a snide comment like that it boils my blood. I don't care about what she says about me, but when she disrespects Sasuke I draw the line.

Sasuke puts his hand on my shoulder and ceases my trembles, "Calm down Naruto."

I turn my head to him with a stubborn pout, "How are you not as livid as I am?! She just flat out insulted you!"

"I'm not going to waste my energy being mad at one petty remark," He tells me, pulling my chin toward his face, "And you shouldn't either."

I blush under his stern gaze, "I-I know... I just didn't like that she m-made fun of you."

"As long as you're with me, I could care less about what others think." He says as cliche as possible.

"You're so cheesy!" I giggle, "Thanks for cheering me up, Sasuke."

Sasuke smirks, "No problem."

He glances at my lips and lifts my chin up, guiding it to connect to his own. I flutter my eyes shut and purr against his mouth lovingly. Sasuke moves his lips in sync with mine, parting his mouth slightly and brushing his tongue along my bottom lip.

I cut the kiss short and break away reluctantly, biting my lip at my own actions. I wish we could continue... but...

"Sasuke, you know we can't do that right now. My mother is here and the door is wide open. We could get caught easily!" I express my concern.

Sasuke grunts and stamps a quick kiss on my lips, a brief connection full of hunger and passion. He pulls back with an adamant look in his sharp eyes.

"I know." He grumbles somberly, caressing my lip with his thumb.

I can tell that Sasuke wants to go further. I do too. But we can't just yet.

"Naruto, I've come back from work early. Your mother told me to buy some more-" My father, Minato, walks into my room, his sentence stopping abruptly at the sight before him, "What's going on here?"

Oh no. This isn't good. Sasuke's holding my chin and my face is pulled close to his. I don't know how we'll explain this situation!

"Oh... I'm just checking for eyelashes on Naruto's face..." Sasuke explains sheepishly, looking around my face, "And... there doesn't appear to be anything! My mistake!"

He drops my chin and turns to my father, "Anyway... I probably should get going now. My lunch break is about to end..."

Wow. That was quick thinking.

Sasuke scurries to the door and passes my father in the doorway, "I'll be going now! Have a good day, Mr. Namikaze!"

How lucky, he was able to escape. If only I could leave my parents that easily.

My father looks back in a confused manner and turns back to me, "...As I was saying, I came back from work early to bring you some more medicine. I didn't know that Sasuke was visiting though. I would've brought something for him."

I force out an awkward laugh, "Uh... Thank you, father!"

My mother walks into my room after him with a thoughtful look. She leans close to his ear and whispers something. My father's eyes widen and he nods assuredly. What are they conspiring about?

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