Tutti Frutti

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TRIGGER WARNING: There is an overwhelming display of homophobia in this chapter. Includes: slurs and depictions of anxiety.

Bullets of sweat roll down my forehead and concentrate in my palms, giving me clammy hands that rest on my lap. I gulp audibly, awaiting the tense situation's climax.

"W-What did Mrs. Haruno say?" I gain enough confidence to peep out a question.

"You tell me." My mother crosses her arms, her lips shaped in a thin straight line, "What do you think you did?"

I have a hunch. But I know mentioning it is a risk, so I rather not.

"To be honest, I have no idea, mother. May you tell me?" I say with a heavy head, struggling to keep eye contact.

"Last week, when you were sick, you were at Sakura's house when you were supposed to be at home resting." She begins, "Mrs. Haruno told me of strange noises coming outside her bedroom walls, only to find you and Sakura on top of each other half-naked. Care to explain?"

My mouth grows dry and my eyes widen. What am I supposed to say?! I can't just tell them what actually happened!

"Nothing? You have nothing to say for yourself?" My mother asserts with quick, condescending words, "How about this? What happened when you entered a bathroom with Ino privately?"

I furrow my eyebrows and chew my bottom lip nervously. How does she know about that?! Who told her?!

"Still nothing?" She demurs, "What about that time that you came home all beat up? I talked with Kiba since Sasuke wouldn't tell me anything, and it appears that he beat you up because you were flirting with Hinata."

I gasp and slap a hand to my mouth. Kiba told her that?! Why...?! What else did he tell her?!

"By your reaction, I'm guessing that all of this is true. Which begs the question, if you have Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and a girlfriend, why do you spend all your time with Sasuke? Are you, perhaps, involved with him? I don't see Sasuke with any girls as of late."

I break eye contact with my mother and stare at the floor below. I grit my teeth together and squeeze my sweaty hands, frustrated tears clouding my vision. They're gonna find out about me and Sasuke! We're screwed! Everything is over! All our hard work-

"Don't go jumping to conclusions now, Kushina." My father remarks.

I lift my head to look at my father, silent tears streaming down my face.

"There's no way that my boy is a faggot. It's simply impossible. If he has so many girls, he doesn't need a pretty boy like Sasuke for pleasure." He defends me, "Isn't that right, Naruto?"

I sniffle lightly and breathe out sharply, trying to ignore my father's hurtful slur.

"That's r-right..." I confirm for him with a trembling lip.

"Say it then." He coaches, "Say that you aren't a faggot."

I struggle to swallow a lump in my throat, "I-I'm not."

"Say it!" My father screams at me, his loud, demanding voice booming throughout our house.

I keep my voice in the back of my throat, holding back my tears with a noticeable tremor, "I'm not a f-faggot!"

The words sound foreign out of my mouth as if I spewed a nasty rumor.  My father glares at me fiercely, his vibrant blue eyes piercing my soft, cloudy ones. The critical glower makes me feel ashamed for simply existing, small tears slipping through my eyes and dropping onto my lap.

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