Rant: School. Fuck It.

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Because if I fail, I get really depressed.

I was really good in school. Then high school expects us to go from 10yrs old to 30, and I'm like "woah, I barely finished puberty! My ass still didn't come in yet"

Like I don't understand how teachers get angry if students fall asleep in class, come late, miss a few papers, fail one test, but they take years to grade one paper, miss school for weeks and still get paid, misgrade, misteach, and still expect the perfect student.

First of all: yes, homework is practice. But I also have an ever changing schedule, I have siblings, I have a two hour bus ride home, I'm not even going to my zone school (30min driving there, don't ask), half y'all teachers barely know what y'all doing.

Secondly: I literally try not to fall asleep in school. I got to bed on time, I get my breakfast, I even go to sleep in classes that I can beforehand. Obviously, I cant help that I will fall asleep in your class. Its just gonna happen. Its usually the same class too.

Thirdly: tests. I don't find their purpose reasonable. I test bad, depending on the quantity of content. Like vocab tests are easy because I talk and I use those words. Plus its usually like ten questions. Easy A. But if you wanna give me thirty questions on stuff that a) won't help me in life, b) you barely give homework for and c) given us 10minutes to do then no shit ima get a -999999999999999999. There's so the fact that I very much do understand the content sometimes. But teachers expect us to memorize shit. um, bitch, no. I can barely remember how to spell my name sometimes. I think I even spelled SAT wrong once so how the fuck...

In the end, I know I'm going to summer school. I know that my parents are going to get in my ass about it because "I'm not trying" and tbh, sometimes i really don't try but most times, esp this year, I actually do try. ESPECIALLY IN USG AND ENGLISH. I have gone to bed early a number if times TO MAKE SURE I DONT FALL ASLEEP. Ive sleep in previous classes as well.

11in the morning is usually the time I wake up on the weekend...

So I don't wanna hear your shit...

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