A Boyfriend, by My Definition (A Bit of a Depressing Vent)

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So, while in the shower, my mind runs over a question I was once asked.

"What's the point of having a boyfriend if you ain't hugging and kissing up on him all'a time?"

Of course, because I was put in the spot by my friend's mom and I was like 11, I didn't have a response. But now that I think about it, I wish I had one.

Having been single pretty much all my life, I think I'd define a boyfriend as someone who I can tell what I can't tell most others. Now, before you say "that's what best friends are for, doiiii", there's more than just that. A boyfriend is also that one person who you can be yourself entirely around, including the things you can't do around family. They're that one person you can also be physically intimate with (not sex), basically, on demand! Who doesn't want to cuddle?!

For me personally? A boyfriend is the person I can be stupid and derpy around without being judged every five seconds. They're the person I can make corny jokes to and will still laugh. I can be chillin in my room, a big shirt and shorts, and they'll text me "Can I come in" and I'll respond "sure?" And my bedroom door will open then I'll be attacked with corny slurs and kitten kisses and tickles and dumb shit like that.

*sigh* don't mind me, I'm fine

Before I finish, take the liberty to change the gender of this to suit you (boy to girl/ boyfriend to girlfriend), I'm no judge and this ain't a courtroom. I have no idea why this came to me in the shower but I felt I should share my true view of my definition of a "boyfriend".

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