I feel like shit

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Hey guys. *sniffs hard because can't breathe* Sir Common Cold has been fucking my nose for over a week or two now and has been getting worse. *shoves rolled up tissue in nostril* Anyways, *violent coughing* How're you guys?... *wipes random tears, violent coughing again* fuuuuck me, I haet my face right now.

I just wanna thank da Lawd for no school because of a water maine break in my school today; I actually got to sleep in tod- *violent coughing* ... Today. Maybe, in my sickness, I can push an update out these shaky hands... Now I'm starting to get a headache outta nowhere.

You know what sucks though? My father doesn't give a shit, so I'm still going to school. My mom's just being buttery: "you wanna sleep in my room? Yours is probably dry and stuff and more buttery shit mothers say" so this cold is probs gonna interfere with my tennis practice, my sleeping habits, and as we all can guess, my grades.

So ya. Goodnight babes. Dream about giving me ice cream and tissues (AND MEDS THAT ACTUALLY WORK UNLIKE THE SHITSNI BEEN TAKIN).

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