Am I a superhero, mom?

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I feel so sappy, guys... can i just talk to whoever is reading this for a minute?

So have you ever tried to update a book on wattpad but you just can't because while you have so many ideas in your head, you also have something more pressing in your head that you just can't quite push out of your head for whatever reason?

Well, that's kinda how it is with me right now. I'm in school and i was typing up an update for the Chason book but whenever i mention a specific character's name while typing, my mind just goes elsewhere so maybe i'll take my own advice and do a brain drain...



I wish with all my heart that i could save the world, i promise i do. But unfortunately, i wasn't born supergirl and i'm not quite that person. If i could save the world, there'd be nothing to fight for in life and things would be easy but.... maybe that's the con to being a superhero. I wouldn't know, i'm talking out the side of my neck right now.

The most i can do for anyone that's even remotely close to being supergirl? i guess just be there when im needed. Come to think about it, that's kinda the definition of a superhero; they're there when they're needed. does that make me a superhero yet?... what else, what else... well, they're charismatic and they can't even uphold their own life sometimes... Heh, that sounds like me (i'm so bigheaded). So i guess... in my own way... i'm a superhero?


>Red walls<

>Blue sky<

>warm face<

I don't know what i'm doing, i'm gonna be completely honest. the last time i did one of these was some months ago... actually it was a month and a half ago when my mother and i had a disagreement. It was such a frivolous situation for me, considering i clearly won that argument. I mean, really, what's with parents and thinking they're so right?

Like, yes, you're my mom. i knew you the first 9 months of my life. You're my dad, i... knew you. But you constantly comparing me to your genereation isn't doing anything for me. nothing to help me live my life, the one you gave me. Me! Your child! you tell me you love me "oh so much" but as soon as i step outside of the boundaries that you carve for me that i never agreed to, i'm in the wrong? huh, excuse the fuck outta me for exercising free will!

No, guys, i really don't get it! I'm a relatively understanding person; meaning, i can get along with whoever on demand! But parents? Their rationale is so... so... SKEWED. Skewed, narrow, ignorant/naive, old-fashion... forbid i say wrong altogether and then we get lion herds of people ready to attack my ass...

But level with me for one second, please:

How would you feel if you wanted cake and ice cream. And you can have cake and ice cream. But because the person giving it out had just cake or just ice cream, you only get one or the other? You'd be mad as fuck right? Shit, i would. i want my damn ice cream with my muddafuckin cake! But in that simple metaphor explains like everything you do to your child whenever they do something you;re unfamiliar with simply because YOU didn't grow up in the same circumstances that your child did.

"nothing's new under the sun, blah, blah, blah" fine whatever! I get that!

But what if that's the case only because people choose to repeat this cycle of... of history? and, and, gnereations of ignorance? and all this other shit that no one wants to change because THEY'RE USED TO IT?! MAYBE GET OUT OF THE NORM AND GET A PERSPECTIVE OF YOUR OWN BEFORE THROWING OUT HATRED ON SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.


>A tree with a light breeze on a beach and a hammock

>abandoned boat sinking



I think i'm done guys... I'll explain how a brain drain works later because i'm probably gonna have another one of these later today.

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