So this (Slash Rant Sort of)

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Casually going through my day when this hits my inbox:


Idk who that is so I basically ask if I know them. He/she/it is insistent like gimme an answer and I just wanna know who they are. Then they get mad and I'm like hold the fuck up, what I do?!

Basically, they get people noticed by publishers and tbh I was ready to say yes as soon as I was comfortable with who the hell ever they were. They get angrier and I'm like if you wanna get stank, I'm out. And it ends.


If you wanna inbox me anything and I don't know you, ima ask how you found me. Like do you read me, was I a suggestion, or what. But don't get mad cuz you don't want to/have an answer. Cuz I have 0tolerancy for the stank. I deal with it enough on a daily and wattpad is my escape from it. So please don't make me block you.

I'm not discouraging anyone not to use them but if you're anything like I am, I don't recommend it. Anyways, I'm in the process of having myself published through my friend's aunt so no big diff.

On the better side...



I'm supposed to be doing two essays RN but I dun wannaaaaaaaaa

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