Alone (Yukei/Yuki Maeda x Nikei Yomiuri)

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(Warning: spoilers for chapters 1-5 and the members of Void, author hasn't seen the chapter 5 investigation scene so some details may not be completely accurate!)

Before the investigation, Yuki remembered everyone that had died so far. He remembered Yuri, Kokoro, Setsuka, Hibiki, Kanade, albeit reluctantly, Shinji, and Teruya, innocent people that were dragged into this twisted game, barring one. He remembered Hajime and Emma, the members of Void that were promised life but were betrayed by Mikado. But most of all, he remembered Nikei.

As he thought about the journalist, he felt an empty feeling well up from inside of him. Nikei had never been close to anybody but him when they were travelling the islands and it showed in his interactions with the other students. He was one of the first students to actively greet Yuki and befriend him without further prompting, and had spent the entirety of the time on the first island getting interviews from him. In hindsight, that was probably just a way to get Yuki to open up to him.

After the first trial, Nikei had asked him out and comforted him when he was scared of the Voids. While Nikei was avoiding the other students on the third and fourth islands, he would make frequent trips to Yuki's room and ramble about whatever while smothering the lucky student in affection. Even when three of his classmates had killed again, one of which not by her own will, Nikei always promised him that he'll never let Yuki fall into despair.

At the fourth island, Nikei had confessed that he was one of the Voids and groveled for forgiveness, bowing at his feet. Yuki was shocked, but Nikei had reassured him like he always did, saying that Mikado would be defeated and that they can escape this virtual reality with everyone alive.

But Nikei had tricked everyone, manipulating him to stab Shinji, which caused Sora to slit his throat, all leading to Shinji taking his own life to protect everyone. When Nikei finally confessed to masterminding the case after the trial, his reason was because Yuki needed to die. All this time, Void's intention was to traumatize him enough to replace his personality with another one and Nikei had tried to delay that by becoming Yuki's partner.

In the end, the confession had only played into Mikado's plan, traumatizing Yuki further at the realization that Nikei's love might not have been genuine. Nikei tried to assure him that it was, but his world was spinning enough that he couldn't listen to the journalist. Soon enough, Nikei had tried to kill everyone except for him and Mikado to 'ruin the process' of the Void's plan. All he got was a blown-off hand and an execution for a false rule violation.

As Sora encouraged Yuki to join in the investigation of Teruya's death, he could feel more eyes on him than the four others that were in the room with him. As he put his hand on top of the others' to seal their promise to fight, he could feel somebody else guiding his hand and wrap their arm around his body. As he went over to Teruya's body to investigate, he knew that Nikei was counting on him to solve the murder and defeat Mikado once and for all.

Art credit: mirang0528 on instagram

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