Flowers (Yoruyuki/Yoruko Kabuya x Yuki Maeda)

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Yuki went up to Yoruko's apartment door with a smile on his face and flowers hidden behind his back. Pushing the doorbell's button with his free hand, he excitedly waited for the door to open.

A week ago, Yoruko had gotten a promotion in her new job regarding therapeutic work. She had gotten out of the hostess business with her classmates supporting her all the way, and she had let everybody know what had happened in the group chat.

When Yuki read the message, he had immediately left his room to go to the local shops. It wasn't like he had anything to do today anyways, so why not get something nice as congratulations? He went down to the local flower shop and bought a rather large bouquet for, luckily, a really cheap price.

And now, he was barely able to keep himself from rocking on his heels in an excited impatientness. Soon enough, he heard footsteps coming closer.

The ex-hostess opened the door. "Oh, Yuki! Hello!" She moved aside to let Yuki in the apartment.

While he went inside, he made absolutely sure that he kept the bouquet out of her sight.

Of course, Yoruko noticed that Yuki was hiding something sketchily. "Um, are you hiding something?" She asked.

"Perhaps." He replied, still keeping the flowers hidden behind his back.

Yoruko sighed. "Are you hiding drugs? For the last time, I don't do them, so-"

"No no no!" Yuki protested. "You see, I heard you got a promotion at your new job, so I bought you something as congratulations!"

"Is it drugs?"

"No, it's not drugs at all!" It was then that he took the bouquet out from behind his back and handed them to Yoruko. "I bought these for you on the way here!"

Yoruko's face turned as red as the roses in the bouquet. "I- Wha- Th-This is-" She stammered, at a complete loss for words.

"Well, um, do you like it?" Yuki asked. He knew what the answer was already, but he wanted to hear the tsundere say it herself.

"I-I guess?" She was blushing hard enough to burst a blood vessel. She put the bouquet down on a nearby table.

Yuki took that opportunity to hug the girl from behind. "Thanks, Yoruko! It means a lot to hear you say that!" He exclaimed.

He could've sworn that she was about to pass out. "I-It's not like I wanted them, b-but I might as well have them since y-you went through the trouble of g-getting them..." She muttered.

Yuki only laughed and nuzzled his cheek into Yoruko's back, feeling her stiffen and try to struggle out of it before sighing and resigning herself to her fate.

Art credit: DRA_Too9 on twitter, it only has a watermark because I first found this in an instagram edit

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