Chapter 21

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Chord's POV

I pace the filfthy dark cell trying to wrap my head around everything.

It's always dark in here so I have no idea what day it is or for how long we have been here.

Becka lies on the bottom bunk bed, asleep.

They know she's an Elemental so they keep her that way.

I have been pumped with wolfsbane but the effects are wearing off, therefore I can walk around and try to devise a plan to get out of here.

I hope Billy's ok, but I know Axel won't hurt her or let her live in a place like this so I'm guessing she's fine.

What I am not so sure about is his mate.

Where is she?

Won't she hurt Billy or something?

But what keeps bugging me is that Billy mentally spoke to me. I don't know how she's done it but maybe I can get in contact with her, but she's not a wolf so I need Becka's help.

As if knowing I need to speak to her, she stirs and her eyes slowly open.

I am at her side in an instant, helping her sit up.

Becka rubs her eyes with balled up fists and yawns. She scans the perimeter and furrows her brows.

"How long have we been here?" She scrunches up her nose, "Ugh, what is that smell?" She pinches the bridge of her nose.

"I don't how long we've been her and if you think that stench is bad for you, what do you think its like for a werewolf with super senses?"

She nods in understanding, giving me a weak smile.

"Listen, Becka, I know you're trying to get your bearings and everything but we need to sort things out before they come back again to sedate you." I tell her.

She takes my hand in hers, "So that's why the last thing I remember is that stupid smirk.

I growl, remembering the asshole that punched her.

"Calm down," she rubs my shoulders gently, making me relax instantly.

"Listen," I start, "Billy telepathically spoke to me. That's how I knew where we could find her. I need to know how I can talk to her now."

Becka gapes at me, "No way." She breathes.

"No way, what?" I arch an eyebrow.

"You two share The Bond."

"'The Bond'?"

"It is rare but legend has it that Elementals can form a bond with the person they love most. You've known Billy for very long and you have never betrayed her or let her down in any way and she's never done anything like that to you. Its not anything romantic just . . . ugh, it's hard to explain. Its like, your souls are intertwined. You share a connection deeper than friendship."

Whoa, that's interesting, and weird. I need to know more.

"What does this mean?" I ask.

"Its like you share the same soul, same mind and that's why you heard her in your head."

"So you're saying that if I just think something, she'll hear it or see it or whatever?"

"It sounds to me that The Bond is only now developing so it might be harder than just thinking something. You have to feel it and want her to hear it. Need her to hear it." Becka explains.

I take a deep breath, focusing at the task at hand.

Billy? I call mentally.

No answer.

Maybe I am not trying hard enough.

I take calming breaths and use my mind to reach her, trying to feel what she feels.

A weird sense of uncomfortableness overtakes me which is strange because I never feel uncomfortable around Becka.

And then it hits me. Its not my emotion that I am feeling, it's Billy's.

Why is she so uncomfortable.

Billy? I try again.

Chord? I can feel her confusion, Is that you? She chuckles, Oh god, now I'm going crazy.

She sounds like she hasn't laughed or smiled in a while. I feel really bad for her.

You aren't going crazy, its really me. I swear. I'll explain later, for now, where are you? Are you ok? I mentally ask.

I'm in Axel's bedroom. I'm fine, he's sleeping right now.

That bastard! I growl, Is he forcing himself on you again?

No, but I lied to him and told him I'd give him another chance just to buy us some time. Can't you link the Pack or anything? How are you? Are you well accustomed?

Becka and I are fine but the only way we'll be fine is if -

I am cut off by the increase in noise of the other prisoners.

They start yelling threats and insults at someone who must be in here. They then cheer and the next thing I know, my cell gate opens revealing someone I really didn't expect to see.


She smirks and I just know that we are finally being rescued.

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