Chapter 8

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Becka's POV

The girl doesn't know it yet but she will be very powerful. All she needs to do is experiance an extreme emotion that is so strong that it will consume her and her energy will rise. She will be able to do what she was born to.

I was sent here to help her realise her potential. To have an input in it. They want her back by the eve of her eighteenth birthday. And I was sent here to deliver.

Billy's POV

"Hey Billy!" Someone calls me from behind.

I stop stalking the direction of my house and twist my head around, facing someone who I did not expect seeing.

"Chad." I produce a smile, I mean who wouldn't smile at the sight of his giddy smug, "I didn't think I would see you again. I mean Bea's not around. She's with your brother now."

He catches up with me and we start walking down West Lane.

"I wanted to see you, not her." His arm brushes against mine.

If it weren't for Seth and knowing what I know now, I would probably be freaking happy about the contact.

"So Dennon's band is playing Friday at The Bar again and I wanted to know if you wanted to join me. I have an extra ticket."

"Chad, I'd love to but-"

Chad raises a hand to stop me from talking, "Please, you should really get out and I can tell you need it. You've been so down this week. Wait, are you . . . wearing make-up?"

On instinct, I reach up, touching my cheek with my fingertips. The only reason it's even there is so that it covers up my puffy eyes.

"I just thought, it'd be a change." I say.

He places a hand on my arm, stopping both of us from walking further and manouvres us so that we are facing one another.

He examines me closely, running his knuckles along my jaw-line, his eyes not leaving mine.

"You've been crying, that's why you're wearing make-up." He states, his eyes looking sad.

"How did you-"

"Whenever Barny makes my mother cry, or hurts her, her make-up is done almost exactly like yours."

His stepdad hurts his mother?

"Chad, I-"

"Don't worry about it. I've finally convinced her to get a divorce." He gives me a ghost of a smile, "But I didn't come here for that, I came to convince you to be my plus one."

I should move on and have fun, right? Seth moved on and I have been waiting for Chad to look at me like this for a while now. I didn't think it was possible that Chad Hudson would ask me on a date.

"I thought you liked my sister." I consider.

Chad lets out a tortured laugh, "You still don't get it, do you? The only reason I hung out with her, was to hang out with you."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that that is the reason I always insist you join us when we go out. It's why I always have her as a partner. Because I wanted to get close to you, because I like you, Billy."

Chad . . . likes me?

With butterflies trying to escape my belly, I find myself smiling at him.

"O-ok." I find myself saying.

Chad's lips curl up, "Really?"

I nod, producing a grin of my own.

Chad throws his arms around me, giving me a bone-crushing hug.

"You won't regret this!" He whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

"C-an't b-breathe." I choke out.

"Oh, right, sorry." He eases his grip on me.

He gives me a peck on the cheek before turning around and walking away.

What just happened?

I am about to turn around but he beats me to it.

"I'll call you!" He yells.

I chuckle silently, shaking my head at him.

I finally have what I've always wanted. But why do I feel as though I am betraying someone?

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