Chapter 1

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Guys this is my first novel so I'm just making things up as I go along. Hope you enjoy it. Also, she only starts talking about the werewolf aspect of her life in Chapter 4, so fair warning.

I can't help but stare at him, I mean seriously, he's so perfect, blue eyes, dark hair, body of an athlete. He has the brains, the charm, the sexy way he speaks, how at the angle I am standing, I get a nice view if him. Sometimes I wish I were pretty, just so he'll pay me a passing glance.

I don't know if he can sense me staring at him or what, but he stops talking to his friends and looks at me, a smile tugging at his full lips.

If I didn't know he was a complete sweetheart, I'd probably think he was being cocky or conceited.

I am about to look away because I am shy but he raises his hand and waves at me.

Oh my gosh! Is this really happening?

Is Chad Hudson, star rugby player, the guy known by everyone in school and the hottest guy I know waving at me, plain old Billy Latimore? The girl who sings to herself and isn't as social as her perfect unidentical twin sister?

Yeah, maybe Chad thinks I'm her.

No dummy, you two are unidentical, people can tell the difference. That annoying voice inside of everyone's head goes off in mine.

Without hesitation, I raise my hand and wave back at him.

"Oh look, its Chad, he's so cute." A perfect voice comes from behind me. She's waving too.

I look from her to Chad. Of course he wasn't waving at me. How embarressing.

My cheeks flame and I turn around, banging my head against the locker repeatedly.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I don't stand a chance. I never will. I am so foolish to think that he would actually look at me.

My school skirt is just above the knee and my hair is braided for goodness sake. I look like a nun.

On the other hand, Bea's hair looks beatiful, her fringe is just below the eyebrows and the rest of her hair is held back with a hair band, her newly blond locks, falling over her shoulders in layers.

Yep, she dyed her hair and got a trendy new cut, I on the other hand, just had mine tipped and dyed bits and peices of my hair red. Down side, you can only see the colour when light shines on it. So yeah, my hair is brown, but if we are standing in the sun, you'll see bits of red.

"I think he likes me - Billy! Stop banging your head against the locker!" My sister grips my arm, causing me to stop, "Why are you doing that? What's wrong?"

I stop banging my head to look at her. She's so . . . perfect, I know there is no such thing as perfect but my sister is. Sometimes I wonder whether or not she might be like a guardian angel or something.

I shake my head, pushing the ludicrous thought out of my mind.

"Yep, he definitely likes you." I state, hearing the distaste behind my voice.

My sister and I are standing close to each other so it kind of looks like he's looking at me, but I know he's looking at her, his eyes looking all dreamy and soft.

"When is he gonna ask me out on a real date? You know, one where it's just the two of us and, no offence, not you, Chord and a couple of his friends? It's like he's afraid to be alone with me. That could have two meanings though. On one hand maybe he's too shy to be alone with me, but on the other hand, maybe he won't be able to control himself around me because all he wants to do is kiss me," she sighs dreamily, fluttering her eyelashes at the thought.

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