The Rooms

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A/N: On with the story. I hope you guys are liking it so far...(creds to artist: BeyneezOne on Deviantart). This may also be a shorter chapter.

"Is that Neji/Tenten?" They both thought to themselves.

The group of boys walked up to them. The started a couple conversations among different groups but Neji and Tenten stayed as far from each other as possible. 

Ino gasped. "Wait! We still don't have a place to stay. Do you guys have any room for us?"

"oh no" Neji whispered.

"Sure we do! We booked the whole top floor." Kiba said.

"Are you sure...uh is everybody else okay with that?" Hinata asked.

The rest of the boys decided not to be rude and agreed.

"Can you show us to our rooms?" Sakura asked.

The boys sighed, "yeah" they all said.

*short time skip*

"Oh man, even that big elevator wasn't able to fit all of us." Naruto said.

"No duh Naruto, the elevator can probably only fit up to 12 people at a time." Sasuke said.

They started bickering again.

"Wait a minute....we all, already claimed our own bedrooms. We didn't think anybody was going to stay with us." Shikamaru explained.

Naruto and Sasuke stopped bickering.

"Huh. That doesn't make sense." Naruto said.

Sasuke grunted, "You idiot, he means that we're going to have to share rooms." 

"Who are you calling idiot?!" Naruto screamed.

There we go, bickering again..

"Anyways, either we're going to have to move things around or you girls choose who you're rooming with." Shikamaru said.

The girls huddled in a circle. Ino and Sakura started laughing, Tenten looked confused, Temari looked like she didn't care what happened and Hinata just hid behind Temari. 

"We don't want to make you boys move all of the stuff you already moved in." Ino said.

"So! We'll just room with you guys!" Sakura screeched. 

Tenten and Neji's eyes went wide.

"Uh oh" They both said.

"Let's decide now, shall we?" Ino said.

Naruto and Sasuke were now yelling at each other and Sasuke almost hit Naruto before Lee stopped him. Naruto was about to kick him back and all the boys came and stopped the fight.

"You fools. You'll both share a room so that you can figure out how to make peace with each other." Shikamaru scolded them. 

Naruto began to yell, "IM NOT GOIN-"

Next thing you know it, everybody grabbed Sasuke's stuff and shoved it into Naruto's room, grabbed Sasuke and Naruto, then locked them in the room. 

Everybody sighed.

"Okay girls, we're going to the restaurant across the street. You can just choose any room that you want." Shikamaru said.

The boys started walking towards the elevator and right when the door closed, that's when the girls realized.


"ughhh this sure turned into something that we DIDNT want." Sakura groaned.

"NO SHIT SAKURA" Tenten yelled.

They all looked at her.

"Tenten.."Hinata started.

"So what if you accidentally somehow end up in the same room as Neji?" 

"Well- you guys know what happened so I don't need to explain myself. I don't care who I stay with as long as it isn't Neji." Tenten said.

Temari pulled out her phone. "Let's label the rooms here, this one will be Room A, Room B, Room C and so on. I'll put the names of the rooms on this wheel decider and that's how we will figure out what rooms we'll be staying in. But that's Shikamaru's room, I'll be staying in there." She said pointing at his room door. 

Temari put down all of the names of the rooms. "Tenten, go first." 

Tenten tapped the screen and the wheel decider stopped on Room D. Tenten walked over in front of the room.

Everybody else had found out what rooms they were going to stay in now. 

"Okay, so. Everybody knows what room right?" Temari asked.

"Yep." All the girls responded.

They all went down the elevator to meet..(I bet you can't guess who it was)..the boys.

"Did you guys decide what rooms you want to stay in yet?" Lee asked.

"Yeah we did! We decided randomly..." Sakura said.

"Are you guys done eating already?" Hinata asked.

"Nah. We had to make reservations, we made a reservation for later today for 14 people." Kiba said.

"They told us that since it was a classy restaurant, we have to dress nicely." Choji said. "I don't really want to do that, but if it means good food, I'm in."

They all walked back to the elevator and squeezed in the best they could. They made it upstairs.

"Alright, what rooms did you guys decide on?" Lee said.

The girls all walked to the room and stood in front of the door.

"Guys, if someone is in front of your door right now. Have fun because you'll be rooming with them for the weekend."

Neji's eyes opened wide when he saw the person standing in front of his door. 

Sai, Shikamaru, Lee, and Kiba walked over and opened the room door for their new roomies.

Tenten just stood there in front of the door. "Who am I rooming with?" She said.

Neji started walked over.

Right then and there, Tenten realized what was happening.

"shit." She said.

Neji was now next to her with the key. He opened the door and put out his arm to escort her in.

Tenten sighed. She hesitantly walked in.

A/N: Okay yall. This wasn't actually intended to be a lemon or anything BUTT...I just think this has a good mood to it. Do you know what I mean?? LIKEEE yknow, hotel+lemony stuff..doesn't it seem like it would work well? Anyways, I'll let you guys decide for me! Thanks for reading :x

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