I'm Sorry..

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A/N: ART CREDITS GO TO bunbun/@graciebunsart on twitter..they look so badass in this omgomg

What caused her to cry? Was it me? What did I say..was it a bad idea? So many questions rushed through my head at that moment. 

I began to speak "Tenten..did I say something?"

She wiped her tears and ran out of the room. I tried to grab her arm before she could leave but she slipped away. I had to keep the door open or else it would've locked on us since neither of us had the key.

I ran inside and tried to find the damn key but I couldn't find it for my life. Instead I just grabbed my jacket and ran back outside. I took the elevator and in a panic I ran out into the lobby and asked everyone there about Tenten. They all responded with very unclear answers or they didn't see her at all.

I sighed and checked the public bathrooms. I risked myself and went inside the girl's bathroom but there was no sign of Tenten. 

I ran outside and felt a huge gust of wind move my hair and almost practically moving me. It was cold. Tenten didn't bring her jacket and I began to worry. 

I started by asking people outside but none of them seemed to see her nearby. I checked the restaurants and stores nearby but still no sign of Tenten. 

The wind blew my hair again but this time it was stronger than before. I was only praying that Tenten was okay.

"Shit shit shit shit"

It began to snow and it got even colder. I remembered that Tenten had left and she wasn't wearing a jacket. I began worrying even more.

I sighed and held my head. I realized that Tenten wasn't stupid and she would've gone back to the hotel or she would've gone inside by now. So, I began running back to the hotel hoping to run into her on the way or meet her back. 

*short time skip*

I was a couple minutes from the hotel if I continued running I wouldn't have spotted Tenten sitting on a bench. 

I bit my lip in worry that she was staying outside in the cold with no intention to get to a warmer place. I took my jacket it off her and put it around her.

She turned around quickly, when she realized it was me, she got up and started running to get across the street. Away from me.

I sighed and walking forward at the end of the sidewalk. I decided not to chase her because I knew too damn well that she would just continue to run from me. 

I looked over to the left and saw that a car was coming towards her. 

"TENTEN" I yelled.

I began to run after her and pushed her to the other side of the street before the car could reach her.

Instead, the car had hit me..


The car had injured my stomach area, it felt like spears had gone through my body. 

People gathered around and the driver had stopped driving and also got out of their car.

Tenten came running towards me.

My vision became blurry but I could see that Tenten was trying to help me. She touched my cheek and I could feel her tears falling on my face. 

"Neji..why?" She managed to say only that through her tears.

"I'm sorry Tenten. I love-" 

After that, I lost sense of everything around me and passed out.

A/N: IM SORRY THIS IS A SHORT CHAPTER..more will be coming though i promise <33

Project: Don't Fall For Them (Neji x Tenten)Where stories live. Discover now