Get her back..

495 24 30

Neji's POV

We made it back to the hotel room and the first thing Tenten did was run into the bathroom. She shut the door and locked it and not even a second after that I heard uh...pissing noises? Okay whatever yeah I know its creepy but don't you come at me saying that you've never heard the sound of somebody pissing.

I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. Tenten then opened the door and ran to me. She shook her hand on my face. My face was now wet..

"Thanks for that Tenten." I said

"You're very welcome!"

"Very refreshing" I said holding up quotation sign things with my fingers.

Tenten blew me a kiss (Which I caught).

"Soooo what do you wanna do now?" Tenten asked.

I thought for a moment and looked around the room.

"We can work on our project if you want. It's best to get it done sooner." I said.

"sure but only because there's nothing else to do." she responded.

*short time skip*

We got settled and started working on our project. It went smoothly and luckily wasn't as awkward as the last time we worked on our project. Yeah we dont talk about that-

Well, it wasn't awkward until...

"Tenten give me back my notebook!"

"Why should I?" Tenten said running around the hotel room with the notebook.

"It holds personal information that can not and should not be shared with people." I said.


Tenten opened the notebook.

She saw her name at the top of the first page. She flipped through all of the pages to find drawings of her.

Neji caught her and pulled her back onto the bed.


She started laughing. Hard.


I felt my face getting hot.

Tenten calmed down a bit and said, "Neji what is the meaning behind these drawings?...."

I sighed.

"You're just pretty, I guess I just thought that you were the best model for my portrait drawings."

Tenten blushed, she grabbed my face and kissed my cheek.

I had no idea what to say.

Tenten started speaking, "Awww look at you Neji, you're blushing so hard right now."

I quickly stood up and told her to forget everything that just happened.

"What's wrong Neji?" Tenten teased.

I got flustered and a bit annoyed at Tenten's behavior. Is she being cocky or is that just her?


I got up and left the room.

Behind me I heard Tenten yell out, "hey neji where are you going??"

I walked up to Sasuke and Naruto's room door and knocked.

There was a bunch of noise coming from the room that I absolutely did not want to hear. After a couple minutes, I knocked again and they finally opened the door.

Project: Don't Fall For Them (Neji x Tenten)Where stories live. Discover now