Hospital >:(

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Art creds: SaraHiArt on Twitter. (ALSO LOOK AT THEM)

Neji's POV:

"oh Nejii" I heard someone's voice say. "when are you gonna wake upp, you're starting to worry me."

"Shh Tenten he needs silence for his sleep." 

I heard a groan, "But he's been sleeping for dayssss and they only called us because they said that he was probably going to wake up soon"

That's when I slowly opened my eyes to see two large eyes above me..I screamed and sat up. Everybody was in the room.

"Creeps.." I said.

Everyone in the room laughed. Hiashi, Hinata's father was even there. Except he didn't laugh.. his face was quite scary. I remembered what happened clearly. I was hit by a car. 

Rock lee jumped onto the hospital bed, on top of me and hugged me. He was going off about how our rivalry shouldn't end this way or something. Idk he was being loud and I was focusing on Tenten. 

Hinata and Naruto walked over and pulled him off of me. 

Everyone filled the hospital room with chattering about how they were glad I was okay. I didn't care, I just wanted to make sure Tenten was alright. 

"Guys I think that we should leave Tenten and Neji alone.."Sasuke said clearing his throat. Everyone agreed and started exiting the room. Leaving Hiashi, Tenten, and I alone.

Hiashi walked up to my bed and patted my shoulder. "You did good". He left the room after that.

I heard the door shut and I took a breathe.

"Tenten.." I started.

"Neji.." She said. "You know.. you didn't need to come and push me out of the way. Look at you now. Sitting on a hospital room in a scary hospital."

"I don't mind" I laughed. "Are you okay though?"

Tenten looked worried. "Are you crazy? What do you mean you don't mind?! Just looking at you makes me want to cry. Of course I'm not okay. This is all my fault. I'm sorry I'm so sensitive. I'm sorry I kept running away from you. I'm sorry I kept playing with your feelings. I'm sorry for everything...... Sometimes I wish we never met." She laid her head on my lap. 

I looked at her and patted her head. "Don't feel that way..really. It was my decision, I wanted to tease you a bit. I really didn't know it would hurt you that like that."

I heard her sniffle.

Tenten began talking, "You know Neji? You really know how to toy with someone's feelings. The only reason I feel this way is because I-" She gasped as sat up.

She wiped her tears and giggled. She looked at me.

"Because?" I said.

"I actually do love you a lot. Like not as teammates or anything like the feeling from the heart or something. Or like romantically, yes that's the word." She stuttered. 

I knew she wasn't good with talking about her feelings but I didn't know she was this bad.

I laughed and hugged her. I realized that this trip made me figure out how I actually feel about her. "I love you too."

We both sat there for a little bit. 

Tenten cleared her throat. "I was thinking, over the past few days I was remembering all the things that's happened between us. It came to me lol..I really do like you like that. I'm not even kidding it feels weird and cheesy but it's not really. I thought love only happened in shows and books. "

I stopped her before she could say anymore because it was hurting me mentally. "You really aren't good at sharing your feelings you know?"

Tenten started laughing and it made me laugh as well.  Tenten took her hair buns out to fix them but I stopped her. This was the first time I've seen her fully with her hair down. 

"You know.. your hair really is pretty when it's down"

She blushed and punched me. That's when I realized my body started to ache.

Apparently Tenten saw my facial expression and her eyes widened.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." She said.

"No that's alright, you didn't hurt me, the car did."

There was a knock on the door and Tenten knew it was time for her to leave. She got up and walked towards the door. Before she left though, she blew a genuine kiss in my direction and I caught it. (I pretended to eat it). I mouthed the words, "I love you". 

She smiled and left.

I sighed and began to process what happened until the noise of the door opening interrupted me. Tenten ran into the room and shut the door yelling, "Sorry! I just need to talk to him real quick. GIVE ME A MINUTE" She was yelling at the nurse.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "You need something?" I laughed.

"No no I was just letting you know that I worked on most of the project! We can work on the finishing touches together."

"Alright I gotta leave. Call me if you need anything!" She ran back out of the room.

That was the last thing I remembered that day of her. I feel back asleep.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated lately lol. This isn't the last chapter yet so please hold off until then. Thanks for the love <3

Project: Don't Fall For Them (Neji x Tenten)Where stories live. Discover now